Here's the situation in simplified schematic form, generate a
high-efficiency sine wave at around 3-5MHz putting out about 5 watts
into resistive load:
Just drive it like two half-bridges with appropriate logic-level
wavaeforms (some dead-time) and if you look at the two switching nodes
together on a plot you get the red/black waveform there under inductor
L1. LC filter it through a coupled inductor. and Bob's your Dad's uncle.
in theory.
First attempt at it on a protoboard:
"it looks great in the sim" and the connection of the boost diodes to
the switching nodes gives a nice ~12-13 volt Vdd to common rail above
the lockout threshold for the flying driver's supply nodes and keeps all
the component dissipation low.
Total miserable nightmare to get working right as a prototype, losing
gate drivers for unknown reason, these chips seem way slower than the
~50n prop delay specified in the datasheet, can't get up to speed. I
don't think this 4120 likes being driven the way it's connected here in
reality and they're dying on me, or I've made an error in the
implementation somewhere i can't readily spot.
Anyway, I hate it, looking for any suggestions or alternate gate-drive
schemes for this, I'd like a cheaper faster and more rugged one, as
someone mentioned I don't really need the ADuM4120's internal
transformer isolation if I could find a good way to level-shift the
incoming logic level drive appropriately to the negative rails the lower
FETs have. Thanks
high-efficiency sine wave at around 3-5MHz putting out about 5 watts
into resistive load:
Just drive it like two half-bridges with appropriate logic-level
wavaeforms (some dead-time) and if you look at the two switching nodes
together on a plot you get the red/black waveform there under inductor
L1. LC filter it through a coupled inductor. and Bob's your Dad's uncle.
in theory.
First attempt at it on a protoboard:
"it looks great in the sim" and the connection of the boost diodes to
the switching nodes gives a nice ~12-13 volt Vdd to common rail above
the lockout threshold for the flying driver's supply nodes and keeps all
the component dissipation low.
Total miserable nightmare to get working right as a prototype, losing
gate drivers for unknown reason, these chips seem way slower than the
~50n prop delay specified in the datasheet, can't get up to speed. I
don't think this 4120 likes being driven the way it's connected here in
reality and they're dying on me, or I've made an error in the
implementation somewhere i can't readily spot.
Anyway, I hate it, looking for any suggestions or alternate gate-drive
schemes for this, I'd like a cheaper faster and more rugged one, as
someone mentioned I don't really need the ADuM4120's internal
transformer isolation if I could find a good way to level-shift the
incoming logic level drive appropriately to the negative rails the lower
FETs have. Thanks