Norm Dresner
The "wireless" intercom I bought (2 stations) isn't wireless at all but uses
the house wiring as a transmission medium. This means that it's use is
restricted to one phase of the 2-phase 240v AC service in the house. I
tried the simple expedient of jumpering the two phases with a HV 560 pf
capacitor but got no transmission across to the second phase. I will
probably run an extension cord between floors to allow me to at least
temporarily use the devices but I'd really like to fiud some way to make it
work anywhere in the house. To do that, I believe that I need to find out
what kind of signal the device really couples to the AC main [the "manual"
simply says that it uses FM which isn't very informative]. What's a
reasonably simple circuit I could construct to tap into the AC where it's
plugged in to allow me to see a high-frequeny
the house wiring as a transmission medium. This means that it's use is
restricted to one phase of the 2-phase 240v AC service in the house. I
tried the simple expedient of jumpering the two phases with a HV 560 pf
capacitor but got no transmission across to the second phase. I will
probably run an extension cord between floors to allow me to at least
temporarily use the devices but I'd really like to fiud some way to make it
work anywhere in the house. To do that, I believe that I need to find out
what kind of signal the device really couples to the AC main [the "manual"
simply says that it uses FM which isn't very informative]. What's a
reasonably simple circuit I could construct to tap into the AC where it's
plugged in to allow me to see a high-frequeny