Brian A
For some years I've had an HP 4800A low-frequency vector impedance
meter, which has been a very handy piece of equipment. One day, I
turned it on only to discover that something had died. A bit of
troubleshooting led me to a green, potted assembly on the oscillator
board which contains three miniature incandescent lamps. One of them
(at least) was open-circuit.
The HP manual identifies this green cube only as A16E1, p/n 5080-1718
"Lamp Assembly". No clue is given about the contents.
Now, I did pick up a couple types of small lamps (the kind that look
like #327 only with wire leads) and using these in series with some
resistors, I sort-of brought the unit back to life. But I'm very
skeptical about the accuracy, given that my primitive fix must be
nowhere near whatever the original parts were.
Is there a chance that someone might know the actual lamp type numbers
that the 5080-1718 assembly contained?
Thanks for all suggestions.
Brian Aase
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
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meter, which has been a very handy piece of equipment. One day, I
turned it on only to discover that something had died. A bit of
troubleshooting led me to a green, potted assembly on the oscillator
board which contains three miniature incandescent lamps. One of them
(at least) was open-circuit.
The HP manual identifies this green cube only as A16E1, p/n 5080-1718
"Lamp Assembly". No clue is given about the contents.
Now, I did pick up a couple types of small lamps (the kind that look
like #327 only with wire leads) and using these in series with some
resistors, I sort-of brought the unit back to life. But I'm very
skeptical about the accuracy, given that my primitive fix must be
nowhere near whatever the original parts were.
Is there a chance that someone might know the actual lamp type numbers
that the 5080-1718 assembly contained?
Thanks for all suggestions.
Brian Aase
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
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