Guided Wave Inc. Optical Spectrum Analyzer Model. 200 - Info



Hi there,
I need to analyse the spectrum of some light sources in the range of
the visible and near IR wavelengths (up to 1100-1200nm).
Since it's just for my hobby (I'm HAM radio), I don't want to spend
too much money for it.
I wonder if anybody out of here can help me about the Optical
Waveguide Spectrum Analyzer 200 made by Guided Wave Inc.

I found one on the E-bay and I would like to buy it, but I'm not sure
it will fit my requirements (I need a resolution of 2-3nm and no more
than 40dB of dynamics).

The one I found has the silicon detector module DD 100-3 and UV-V PMT
detector module PT 100-2.

More, anybody knows whether it has such a kind of serial interface, or
it has an analog output?
(I don't know really anything about it).

I tried to access the Guided Wave Inc. web-site, but it seems they
never supports that very old device.

Have a great day.

Hi there, I'm back again.
This morning I received some infos from Guided Wave Inc.
It seems that this device was engineered to be used in conjunction
with their customized ISA card, obviously no longer produced since the
ISA bus went obsolete.

So I suppose that the 25 pins D-sub connector is not a standard V24 /
RS232 connector.

If anyone has additional infos, they will be appreciate.

Have a nice day.


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