Hi. I've got a Sony TV, model KP-43HT20. It's been a while since I've
had it apart, and can't remember how this was determined, but there is
a leak. Not a big one, and the board isn't covered with it.
I haven't fixed this sort of issue before, and would like someone to
give me a general idea of what parts I need (gasket? what one? MCM
have it?), what precautions to take (I already know about the HV...),
and anything else I need to know before I blow myself up, give myself
cancer, or launch shards of glass across the room and scare the cats.
Thanks in advance.
had it apart, and can't remember how this was determined, but there is
a leak. Not a big one, and the board isn't covered with it.
I haven't fixed this sort of issue before, and would like someone to
give me a general idea of what parts I need (gasket? what one? MCM
have it?), what precautions to take (I already know about the HV...),
and anything else I need to know before I blow myself up, give myself
cancer, or launch shards of glass across the room and scare the cats.
Thanks in advance.