gtkwave is back online, current win32 binaries available

It's been a while since the current 1.3 series could be found online
outside of sunsite. Its source tarball can now be found here: has the current (1.3.58)
compile for windows with GTK+-1.2. Apparently, 1.3.19 is the last
win32 version floating around so it's been quite a while...

It's trivial to compile the viewer under MinGW for GTK+-2.x. I'd put
the win32 with GTK+-2.x binary up also, but I've topped out my "free"
webspace. (Yes, I realize the linux-workshop page exists and is hacked
but there's absolutely nothing I can do about it as it's not my
server.) If anybody out there wants to create an installer for the
win32 versions, be my guest.

I'll look into updating the Manchester 2.0pre branch such that
stability returns (e.g., no crashes on basic functions like file->open)
and add support for LXT2 and VZT when I find the time...besides this
being a busy year, the 2.0 codebase has changed considerably since it
forked around the 1.3.20 days so I'm not going to know where to perform
brain surgery to the code right off the bat.

I tried it and did work. I followed instruction to copy the dlls and it
seems not to find them.
Pinhas wrote:
I tried it and did work. I followed instruction to copy the dlls and
seems not to find them.
As an experiment you can try to copy the DLLs into the same temp
directory as the viewer. If the viewer comes up, the directory you
copied the DLLs into originally is not in the DLL path on your specific

As far as releasing a windows installer that would get past these kinds
of issues, other people have done this before for previous versions.
What you could do is install a previous version and copy the new
executable over the old one from the installer:

....I admit this is a strange workaround, but it should get you up and
running for the time being. (I'm not a windows developer otherwise I'd
support it directly, sorry!)


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