I am building a Video detector circuit with a TL082. The goal is to
detect a composit video signal and then turn on a relay. The circuit
consists of two negative feeback amps in series which works great. IE
the voltage goes to 11V when video is present and drops to zero when
there is no video.
My problem is as follows. I tie the output of the second amp into a
2n2222 NPN transister intending to use it to drive the relay. The
relay turns on but will not turn off when when the opamp tries to
return to zero volts. the emiter is grounded , the base attached to
the opamp output and the collector ties to the relay. The relay is
then tied to +12V. Did I mension I am using +12/-12 powerrsupply...
I want to keep things as simple as possiable.
Ideas or suggestions?
The circuit is two negative feedback amps
I am building a Video detector circuit with a TL082. The goal is to
detect a composit video signal and then turn on a relay. The circuit
consists of two negative feeback amps in series which works great. IE
the voltage goes to 11V when video is present and drops to zero when
there is no video.
My problem is as follows. I tie the output of the second amp into a
2n2222 NPN transister intending to use it to drive the relay. The
relay turns on but will not turn off when when the opamp tries to
return to zero volts. the emiter is grounded , the base attached to
the opamp output and the collector ties to the relay. The relay is
then tied to +12V. Did I mension I am using +12/-12 powerrsupply...
I want to keep things as simple as possiable.
Ideas or suggestions?
The circuit is two negative feedback amps