Rodney Kelp
Maybe this is off topic but does anybody know how you convert the gps
position coordinace to distance? For instance If I am currently at
44 degrees 18 minutes 35.3 seconds lattitude and 69 46 52.4 longtitude and
I move to 44 18 35.3 by 69 46 54.0 how many feet have I moved easterly? I
can't seem to find any conversion tables that convert degrees, minutes,
seconds to feet. Am I expecting too much?
My GPS receiver will give me coordinance and speed in miles per hour and
direction but not the distance traveled. What's up with that?
I'm trrying to measure some acerage. I feel like I am going to feel really
stupid when someone tells me.
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position coordinace to distance? For instance If I am currently at
44 degrees 18 minutes 35.3 seconds lattitude and 69 46 52.4 longtitude and
I move to 44 18 35.3 by 69 46 54.0 how many feet have I moved easterly? I
can't seem to find any conversion tables that convert degrees, minutes,
seconds to feet. Am I expecting too much?
My GPS receiver will give me coordinance and speed in miles per hour and
direction but not the distance traveled. What's up with that?
I'm trrying to measure some acerage. I feel like I am going to feel really
stupid when someone tells me.
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.745 / Virus Database: 497 - Release Date: 8/27/2004