Google the video "9/11 Missing Links". Jews murdered 3000 Am

  • Thread starter Rebecca Loptyui
  • Start date

Rebecca Loptyui



After Jews created Israel illegally, Israel became the main base of
criminal operations for the most insane type of Jews called Zionists.
The Israeli Jews murdered JFK in 1963 because JFK did not allow them
to have atomic bombs. Read the book by Michael Piper "Final Judgment",
it is online in pdf, also google videos for presentation by author.
The Israeli Jews murdered 34 servicemen of American Navy, and
seriously wounded 174, when Jews tried repeatedly to sink the US Navy
ship USS Liberty in 1967 and blame Egypt for it. Watch online the
video interviews with USS Liberty survivors, one interview should have
been enough to turn the responsible Jews and American Traitors into
fertilizer within 24 hours. The Israeli Jews murdered 3000 Americans
in 9/11 to make USA invade Afghanistan/Iraq for Jews, and to enable
Jews to impose their Jew Laws (Jaws) like "Patriot Act". Watch online
the video "9/11 Missing Links" made in cooperation with contacts
inside FBI, CIA, National Security Agency, US Military, who are still
loyal to USA. All Jews covered up for Israeli Zionists, with help from
White Traitors in Washington DC, because all Jews always protect
themselves as single Jew Tribe.

Jews are not the sweet/smart/suffering individuals as they present
themselves using their own Jew propaganda machines. Jews are full of
hate and suffer from a whole range of genetic mental diseases like
schizophrenia, paranoia, and others that make them prone to criminal/
parasitic/corruptive behavior.

The banking Jews started their corruption of USA in 1913 with creation
of the Fed. The Great Depression of 1930's was the direct result of
Jew corruption. Jews used Great Depression as an opportunity to
corrupt/expand the federal government because parasites like Jews
exploit host organisms through central systems. After Hitler came to
power in 1933 and removed Jews from all important positions, Germany
experienced unprecedented economic growth while the rest of the world
controlled by Jews suffered through Great Depression. Jews did not
like this precedent and immediately in 1933 Jews declared economic war
on Germany. Hitler invaded Poland only because Poland was infested
with five million Jews who constantly were harassing Germany. Jews
used their media power to brainwash White Americans to fight White
Germans for Jews. All the official "history" has been written by lying
Jews and it should be called Jewstory instead of History.

Jews are not Whites but insane mongrels who hate Whites. Jews started
all the jokes about Whites like Dumb Blondes, Rednecks, Polish Jokes.
The sheeple merely parroted after the Jew media. Jews are the ones who
promote all those Blacks you see in the media, sports, schools, or
business. Jews constantly stir up conflicts between Whites and Blacks
by propagandizing the shootings of Blacks in order to take your
attention away from all Jew scams. Since 9/11 Jews intensified their
"Racism" tactics and their famous "Holocaust" tactics because more
Americans learn every day that Jews did 9/11. Jews know they are the
biggest criminals on Earth, and that is why Jews manufactured the
"Holocaust" scam where Jews masquerade as the biggest victims on
Earth. Jews are Masters of biggest Lies and Deceptions.

Without their control of brainwashing media, Jews are nothing more
than insane rats. Only Jew scams enabled many Jews to masquerade with
Ivy League diplomas, Nobel prizes, Oscars. Jews run their college/
Awards scams like Wall Street or elections scams. Independent
investigations of all Ivy League colleges would show that most Jew
students are frauds with standardized tests taken by somebody else or
their test results falsified by corrupt admissions offices. The
biggest Jew Nobel Prize winner Einstein was a fraud and plagiarist.
All you know about famous Jew "scientists" is what Jews told you, the
same Jews who made you believe the "Manned Moon Landings" or "Man-Made
Global Warming". Jews never invented anything but Scams and Hoaxes.
Jews in Israel rank well below average in IQ scores among all nations.
Basically, Israel is a hellhole where tens of billions of dollars of
American taxpayers' money are wasted on worthless Jews each year.

Jews control the US Government illegally. The American democracy is a
myth. Most of "US Presidents" since 1913 were Jews (FDR, Eisenhower,
LBJ, Obama with Jew mother) or Jew puppets. Recently, Jews in US
Congress imposed on Americans yet another Jew Law (Jaw) called
"National Defense Authorization Act" that threatens any American who
tries to defend The US Constitution. However, the ultimate power lies
in the economies, now all mortally wounded by Jews. Jews were too
greedy by exporting all real American jobs and forcing Americans to
live on debt for too long. Once enough good White Americans reach
poverty levels, the game will be over for Jews, especially if their
psychotic relatives in Israel pull another USS Liberty or 9/11.
Eventually, Jews will have to take head on the real American laws like
The Second Amendment of The US Constitution.
On May 8, 5:47 am, Rebecca Loptyui <> wrote:


After Jews created Israel illegally, Israel became the main base of
criminal operations for the most insane type of Jews called Zionists.
The Israeli Jews murdered JFK in 1963 because JFK did not allow them
to have atomic bombs. Read the book by Michael Piper "Final Judgment",
it is online in pdf, also google videos for presentation by author.
The Israeli Jews murdered 34 servicemen of American Navy, and
seriously wounded 174, when Jews tried repeatedly to sink the US Navy
ship USS Liberty in 1967 and blame Egypt for it. Watch online the
video interviews with USS Liberty survivors, one interview should have
been enough to turn the responsible Jews and American Traitors into
fertilizer within 24 hours. The Israeli Jews murdered 3000 Americans
in 9/11 to make USA invade Afghanistan/Iraq for Jews,
(unsubstantiated bollox cut)

Pathetic. So Mohammed atta and Osama are jewish. As conspiracy
theories go, this one's at kindergarten level.
I was avoiding responding to this becasue it does not belong here.

First of all the Mossad has been involved in alot of things people do
not know. The jury is still out on whether the US gov was complicit or
incompetent on 9/11/01, and neither is acceptable. The gov was
absolutely proven trying that false flag shit in 1993 in the same

The USS Liberty story is on the up and up, with witnesses and
everything. They did intend to get the US to attack Egypt. Even
members of the Israeli military back then will admit that. It is
common knowledge.

However the presentment is no good here. Therefore this is
counterproductive, and really, knowing Israel's (not necessarily
Jew's) treachery does nothing to solve anything.

So now you got the thread going. Good job, encourage the spammers.

I'd fucking bomb Israel at dawn and solve half of the world's problem
if my finger was on the button, nothing personal. But this is, not I know what's going on
in the world and so do a hell of alot of others, ESPECIALLY in other
countries. Israel's ass is grass in the next few years, but they will
bring it on themselves.

You and I can't do much anyway, as long as they got enough money to
buy US politicians the game is over. It's a 75%+ chance Iran will be
attacked and that will trigger WW3, with Russia and all the gang. But
it might even start earlier becasue the US now wants to try the other
side of the Cuban Missile Crisis game, in Poland. If the US puts a
missile base in Poland, Russia will destroy it, supposedly starting
the war.

There is alot more to it than that, like the pipe dreams. Our beloved
leaders want to pipe the whole continent for oil, it costs less to
transport you see. However some countries do not want to cooperate,
what's more they don't want the USD anymore, and that's when the bombs

As soon as a country makes noise about using someting other than the
USD for oil transactions, all of the sudden decades of human rights
abuses show up, all kinds of defects that are atrocious and have been
going on with people we helped to get and keep power for decades. But
all the sudden, the day after they want to dump the dollar, all these
terrible things that have been going on forever are magically

The OP is someone who has just discovered things about the workings of
the world. I am 20 years ahead of him in research. You all better vote
for Ron Paul or Obama because if any of the neorepublicans get in, WW3
will start. And my friends, as much as I hate to admit it, we will
lose. This RAH RAH RAH US IS NUMBER ONE bullshit does not fly in the
face of the technology that these other countries have. They have
developed their systems while we spend our money not in research and
develpment, but in war and subjugation, which is a hell of alot more

If we start this war, we will lose. We will have enemies crawling out
the woodwork, and then China who just set up their own GPS system and
shot down a satellite just for the hell of it ? If they never get the
money back from us for their part of the US debt, they couldn't care
less. Better to use as leverage when the smoke clears, they KNOW they
are never getting those trillions back. What would you think ? When
someone keeps asking to borrow more you can pretty much figure they
are never going to pay back what they already owe. What do you think,
they are stupid ?

Conspiracy is no longer a theory. People ARE confused, but there
really is something going on.

"The Israeli Jews murdered JFK in 1963 because JFK did not allow them
to have atomic bombs"

That is confitmed by communications of Ben-Gurion and Kennedy. However
you know that actual Jews do not and never have controlled Israel
right ?

biggest Jew Nobel Prize winner Einstein was a fraud and plagiarist."

Is there an atomic bomb or was that all a lie ? It would have been
easier to fake than the moonshot. It could have been.

Also, about the moonshot, I have analysed the data and determined that
it was real. I have seen the evidence but I have technical knowledge
which indicates that faking it was simply impossible. Elaboration on
request, but I doubt you will request anything. You may be right on a
thing or two, but you are a propogandist, and they do not like

And please leave Michael Collins Piper out of this.

I can prove the moonshot was real by logical deduction, with no cites
or quotes. Figure out how to do that with your assertions. Learn to
properly use the word "because".


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