Google Injury Reporting Posts Disappear After Confirmation



Google Injury Reporting Posts Disappear After Confirmation

< I have been trying to post via google because my news server
was blocking out and not permitting me to connect. >

Below are two posts I made recently via Google
that have disappeared. You can see that they
have been confirmed ---

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From: (news-one)


Subject: Re: Intestinal Bleeding Again : Calling for action now !

References: <>


Message-ID: <>



The killers are continuing to injure me on a 24 hour

basis by using beacons that electrocute and lasers

that burn, etc. Yesterday, I have reported a

comcast van that was electrocuting me from Los

Esteros (lic. 6H53660 white Comcast van, Latino(?)

man driver). I think they are coming into my house

and taking off any shielding and hitting my head

with lasers while I sleep. There are so many signs

of people coming in - crumpled foil, removed

shielding from my body/head,etc. terrible pain

inside the head /brain-stem / nostrils/face, etc.

when I wake up, indicating clearly that I have

been shot with lasers in the head, cigarette

smoker's smell (I do not smoke), etc. My feet are

badly burnt - 3 or 4 clear black burn spots,

1/2 cm diameter, on each foot indicate the

laser injuries. Each spot incapacitates an entire

region of the foot - turning it red, black and blue

and swollen and stiff and hurting. The back of the

ankles is one of the worst burnt regions that has

never got a chance to recover completely for

over 2 1/2 years since my first police report !

My hands are badly damaged too, never getting

a chance to fully recover - the finger-tips

have skin peeling off and nails showing black

and red and blue coloration at the root area.

What evil that allows these doctors and

hospitals and high criminals to continue to

experiment more than 2 1/2 years after my

first police report !

As far as MF comments go, I have given plenty

of evidence of the activity for you to determine

that it could not be a fabrication - photos,

sources of radiation, licence plates, names of

companies, measurements, etc. etc. The readers

should question the competence of the people

who question such things. Or at least their

motivation in attacking someone who means no

harm to them personally. Perhaps they have

a stake in this electrocution enterprise.

Who knows ...


news2020 <> wrote in message




It appears that tactics are changing every day.

The latest tactics that have been employed to electrocute and burn

- continuous thud thud radiation from the sources in the sky

reflecting from the ground below and electrocuting you

from below while you are sleeping.

- Direct hit thud thud on your head/heart/hody from above while

you are in your home or sleeping.

- prickly radiation that causes pin point burns in an

area and passes right through your brain/body. This is

probably a shower of deadly sparks. #1290 and #1295

are armed with more deadly and quieter

sparking devices now. And they are being activated

remotely too (by #1053 Mckay, etc.).

- nuclear radiation from a fallen flower pot

(the pretense is that someone has toppled

the flower pot containing nuclear material on

the deck of #1291 neighbor). This deadly

nuclear radiation is activated by sources

all around such as #1291 or #1290 or

cars parked all around or #1053 or Los

Esteros killers or the sources in the sky, etc.

This is by far one of the deadliest things

sitting right in the middle of all these

houses here and being operated without

any fear of anyone 2 1/2 years after

my first police report about electrocution

and use of lasers and nuclear radiation !!!

The techniques are changing and the people

are constantly being brought in to keep the

electrocution and injuries going. The number

of cars driving around and participating day in

and day out are truly mind-boggling. And they

all look like everyday people ! You will never

suspect they are involved in electrocuting

their neighbor and earning a living on

the government payroll !

news-one wrote:

I saw the laser line (visible light) that was burning me

(see details below)

--------------------------------------------------------- (news-one) wrote in message

news-one wrote:












#1053 Mckay Drive killer Filipino youth

seems to be a local ring leader with several

like minded brothers and family members

including one in the Navy.

Tonight I was again injured in my

intestines by beacons that shine on

my body - head as well as internal

organs etc. It is apparent the next

time you visit the bathroom when the

stool is dry and the intestinal walls

are dry too and obviously they tear.

And it hurts until it heals in a few

days to weeks depending upon how badly

the killers have hurt you while you

sleep in your own home with all the

protections around you.

There were at least 4 cars in the

neighborhood including lic. 5CUP835

black Ford Explorer 4x4 owned by

the #1053 killer. Two of the cars

were in the Los Esteros parking lot.

They are, of course, not merely

driving around. They are part of

the beacon network that is used

to injure me while sleeping. The

laser devices in the sky overhead

are used to connect the cars and

sources on the ground.

One or more of these people and

other neighbors such as #1291, #1295,

#1290 etc. seem to be sharing

responsiblities in electrocution while


What is the point in being a

people's representative (local, state,

etc.) if there is not a single thing

they have done in 2 1/2 years after

my first clear police report ?

Why are they getting paid ?

For directing the goons and

money for churches to coordinate

this electrocution injury while

sleeping ?

And they wish to be re-elected ?

What a hope !

You will get exactly what you

deserve if you reelect anyone that

is in bed with this church-state

military-industrial killers involved

in large scale, organized, totally secret

torture, injury (and killings too)

while their victims are sleeping.

The fact that not one public

official (besides JB, CF) has

even mouthed a single word about

this indicates the total fear

that pervades every man woman

and child of over 200 million

people in this country !!!!

They are trying to make an example

out of CF these days going by

the Florida story of the

kidnapped girl !

Get the creeps out NOW !

< social security for the compliant


Tonight it was a soft laser that goes right

through the head. This time I did see one of

the laser lines very clearly. There was a laser

source from #1291 or #1290 shining on the

kitchen window of #1290. From there it was

coming into my house and burning me. It was

reflecting off my house walls to hit me in the

back of my head. The sensation is just as if your

head is feeling hot or you are getting an

overworked and overheated feeling.

They shine it on the back of the head at the

brain stem or top of the spine to put you to

sleep. The laser line cuts right across

(like decapitating). The intensity is

increased when the killer feels like to

give you a shock at the chosen spot on your

head or body !

I believe the chimney laser of #1051 must have

shot at my right eye last night too. My eye shows

the red lines indicative of laser damage.

As to what kinds of long term and short term

damage the laser does when it passes

through the head or spine is unknown

at this point. The most obvious one is

killing cells that it shines on. The damage on

other parts of the body are visible -

nerves reduced to pulp, feet and hands

burnt and bloated and black and blue and

out of shape, clear black burn spots - from

dots to 1 cm diameter clearly visible on hands

and feet after every night of such burning.

This has been going on for over 2 1/2 years

after my first police report. And that was

a long long time after my grievous injuries

when I did not know what the heck was

causing it ! I was almost concluding that

I might have to get my feet amputated

if they do not recover the tissues and

shape and color ! The feet were bleeding

all over and hurting badly 24 hours ! I was

in pain continuously, just walking around

to relieve it somehow and hoping it would

go away !




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From: (news-one)

Newsgroups: soc.culture.indian

Subject: Killers Injure with Nuclear/Lasers/Beacons


Message-ID: <>

Killers continue to injure with Nuclear Radiation/

Lasers/Beacons -


I am getting an error ' not supported

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Sun, 07 Mar 2004 16:56:54 -0800


news2020 <>




News Server Error : Domain is

not supported

I am getting the error 'domain is not supported

on this server' for at least two days now when I try to connect

to the news server

This appears to be due to blocking by some vicious neighbors

who (I believe) have been given control of my communications.

These people have been involved in causing me grievous injuries

over more than 2 1/2 years after my first police report about

deadly injuries and bleeding. They are continuing to injure

me on a daily basis and nightly while I sleep. Their objective

is to hide their identities and not allow me to publish

their photographs or details. They have blocked newsgroups

and erased previous posts and photographs and prevented me

from connecting even as they continue to injure me.

For example in the last two or three days alone :

-I was knocked out by planes and helicopters flying overhead

several times (by lasers shooting at my head). I tried to

prevent it by blocking with my hands, but how long can you

do this in the face of such an atrocity by multiple aircraft

and sources on the ground. I was eventually knocked out

many times like this.

- Nuclear radiation from a flower pot placed on the deck

of #1291 neighbor was used to penetrate bricks and

irradiate me from below as I slept. This happened while

I was held in sleep state by another laser hitting

my head and a third beacon burning my feet to ensure

I do not wake up. This also caused urination because

they run dream sequences showing such scenes while

activating your bladder muscles and brain using

these techniques.

- beacons from a truck 5B56211 owned by #1053 Mckay,

another neighbor and from #42/1035 McKay (Los Esteros)

were burning the back of my head to knock me out

and hold me in sleep state.

etc. etc.


These are only a partial description of ongoing atrocities.

For example, it does not say that the nuclear radiation

and lasers caused intestinal bleeding due to drying.

It does not say that my feet and hands are badly

electrocuted and burnt. It takes days to weeks to

recover the shape and color and tissue depending

upon the extent of damage. Further damage means

bleeding and open wounds and missing skin and

nerves and blood vessels and muscles, etc.

Damage to internal organs such as kidneys,

gall bladder, urinary system, reproductive

system, intestines, heart, brain, spinal cord

etc. are not even easily identifiable.

They continue to injury before it has time

to heal.

The criminals are all around and continuing the

electrocution and burning even as I write this email.

They keep watching in their cell phone for the video

of me while I am watching them. This is so that

they can quickly disappear when I go near the window

and prevent their photos from being taken (eg.

Filipino and white youths in #1053 Mckay and

Taiwanese criminal killer in #1290, etc. are

constantly walking around watching the video

on their cell phones).

Please look into this and remove these criminals from any

control over my phone and internet communications (using

comcast or dsl or whatever).

Thank you.





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Paul Burridge wrote:

I normally try to be understanding towards those who are mentally ill,
but this whinging *PoS* is seriously trying my patience.
News, will you kindly just crawl away under the nearest convenient
stone and die, eh? Non one on these groups can help your sorry ass.
Anyonw want to join in a whip round to beef up those lasers and radiation
generators, I think the CS 137 has gone off!

I hate hardware made by the lowest bidder, it never bloody works! Death ray
indeed, I think we should sue the manufacturer. It clearly does not perform
as advertised.

Regards, Dan.
And on the evening of the first day, the lord said.... LX1, Go!
And there was light.
The email address *IS* valid, do not remove the spamblock.
On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 15:09:25 -0600, John Fields
<> wrote:

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 19:43:08 GMT, news2020 <> wrote:

Google Injury Reporting Posts Disappear After Confirmation

I have been trying to post via google because my news server
was blocking out and not permitting me to connect.

Below are two posts I made recently via Google
that have disappeared. You can see that they
have been confirmed ---

So what?

Nobody gives a shit, you fucking idiot.
I normally try to be understanding towards those who are mentally ill,
but this whinging *PoS* is seriously trying my patience.
News, will you kindly just crawl away under the nearest convenient
stone and die, eh? Non one on these groups can help your sorry ass.


The BBC: Licensed at public expense to spread lies.
Paul Burridge wrote:
On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 15:09:25 -0600, John Fields> wrote:

On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 19:43:08 GMT, news2020 <> wrote:

Google Injury Reporting Posts Disappear After Confirmation

I have been trying to post via google because my news server
was blocking out and not permitting me to connect.

Below are two posts I made recently via Google
that have disappeared. You can see that they
have been confirmed ---

So what?

Nobody gives a shit, you fucking idiot.

I normally try to be understanding towards those who are mentally ill,
but this whinging *PoS* is seriously trying my patience.
News, will you kindly just crawl away under the nearest convenient
stone and die, eh? Non one on these groups can help your sorry ass.


The BBC: Licensed at public expense to spread lies.

Published 'threat' to life (?) / clear statement of ill-will
"news2020" <> wrote in message
I normally try to be understanding towards those who are mentally ill,
but this whinging *PoS* is seriously trying my patience.
News, will you kindly just crawl away under the nearest convenient
stone and die, eh? Non one on these groups can help your sorry ass.


The BBC: Licensed at public expense to spread lies.

Published 'threat' to life (?) / clear statement of ill-will
Sorry, no threat. He didn't say he would kill you. However, you are
correct about the statement of ill-will. I second his statement. All in
favor? aye Any opposed? "dead silence". The motion carries, we all hold
ill will toward you.

Now go away.

Charles Perry P.E.
On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 00:54:25 GMT, "Tom Del Rosso"
<> wrote:

Paul Burridge typed:

I normally try to be understanding towards those who are mentally ill,
but this whinging *PoS* is seriously trying my patience.

Just quietly send a complaint -- everyone -- and he will go away. It
worked last year but he found a new ISP. His current ISP sends me
acknowlegements that say they need to hear from more people.
If EVERYONE would simply kill-file him... silence is wonderful.

...Jim Thompson
| James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens |
| Analog Innovations, Inc. | et |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus |
| Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | |
| E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat |
| | 1962 |

Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four?
Tom Del Rosso wrote:
Paul Burridge typed:

I normally try to be understanding towards those who are mentally ill,
but this whinging *PoS* is seriously trying my patience.

Just quietly send a complaint -- everyone -- and he will go away. It
worked last year but he found a new ISP. His current ISP sends me
acknowlegements that say they need to hear from more people.

-Reply in group, but if emailing add 2 more zeros-
-and remove the obvious-

Keep trying. Perhaps you will win the election someday.

By the way, att said it is restoring everything a couple of months ago.
Something is holding it up.

If you did not notice, the posts contain crime reports
that are meant to be read/recorded/acted upon by law enforcement
people who monitor these posts.

Obstructing posts such as a report of a violent crime, attempted
murder, grave electrocution bodily injury, burns and electric shocks
while sleeping, hypnosis and knock-out and holding a person in
sleep state with lasers and beacons hitting the head, etc.
is in itself a crime.

Obstruction of justice. Conspiracy to attempted murder.
Participating in mass rape by high criminals by obstructing
or blocking communications.

Your post is also a conspiracy to join in the rape by blocking
communications. Would you like to be charged and held responsible ?

This is not a joke any longer. Please take it seriously.
There may well be legal and career consequences for people who
injure me or participate in conspiracies or block my
communications, etc. Even major corporations will pay a price.
This is because what holds for one also holds for all.
All well meaning people stand to lose if they do not
speak up and act in such situations. And your family too.
Imagine something like this happening to children without
your knowledge while they are sleeping...

You should be wary of attacking someone who has not harmed
you in any way. If you do not like something, you can
simply skip it. No one is forcing you to read it. Get it ?

< This guy has forged everything in his post.
Must be an inside operator. >
news2020 wrote:

If you did not notice, the posts contain crime reports
that are meant to be read/recorded/acted upon by law enforcement
people who monitor these posts.
No, they don't. This isn't 911.

Obstructing posts such as a report of a violent crime, attempted
murder, grave electrocution bodily injury, burns and electric shocks
while sleeping, hypnosis and knock-out and holding a person in
sleep state with lasers and beacons hitting the head, etc.
is in itself a crime.
No, it isn't. This newsgroup, in fact the entire Usenet infrastructure,
is in no way associated with any law enforcement group.

On the other hand, publishing license plate numbers, addresses and other
information related to an ongoing investigation or suspect could be
considered interfering with law enforcement, which is a crime.

Or, if no crime has been commited, those persons identified may have
legitimate civil claims as victims of an act of libel.

Paul Hovnanian
note to spammers: a Washington State resident
Our senior management team is shocked by these discoveries
- John Sidgmore, WorldCom's CEO of less than two months
Why I'm shocked--SHOCKED-to discover there is gambling in Casablanca
- Louie, "Casablanca"
On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 19:43:08 +0000, news2020 wrote:

Google Injury Reporting Posts Disappear After Confirmation

On some level you must be aware that no one believes any of your
off-topic complaints? No doubt someone complained to google or your ISP
about your posts and that is why they disappear.

Have a nice day, but please stop posting nonsense to this forum.

I am setting followups to

On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 04:12:40 GMT, "Tom Del Rosso"
<> Gave us:

Jim Thompson typed:
On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 00:54:25 GMT, "Tom Del Rosso"

Just quietly send a complaint -- everyone -- and he will go away. It
worked last year but he found a new ISP. His current ISP sends me
acknowlegements that say they need to hear from more people.

If EVERYONE would simply kill-file him... silence is wonderful.

But that takes literally everyone. I was merely addressing everyone in
the hopes that a few would send complaints. That would be enough.

Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four?

I just made myself some fried chicken and sweet potatoes. Had I known
you were going to ask I would have saved you some.
Your complaints works as, if you would note, he says that he cannot
connect to his ISP's newsserver! Also, he says his google posts do
not propagate. That is because he is on Google's kill filter.

Thank god, not nearly as many lame assed posts from NewsTard2020.
"John Fields" <> wrote in message

So what?

Nobody gives a shit, you fucking idiot.
Neat - A short, concise, to-the-point follow-up. ;-)
On Wed, 10 Mar 2004 19:43:08 +0000, news2020 wrote:

Google Injury Reporting Posts Disappear After Confirmation

do us and yourself a favour news, go away and do something useful with your life.

Regards, NT
"news2020" <> wrote in message
Tom Del Rosso wrote:

Paul Burridge typed:

I normally try to be understanding towards those who are mentally ill,
but this whinging *PoS* is seriously trying my patience.

Just quietly send a complaint -- everyone -- and he will go away. It
worked last year but he found a new ISP. His current ISP sends me
acknowlegements that say they need to hear from more people.

-Reply in group, but if emailing add 2 more zeros-
-and remove the obvious-

Keep trying. Perhaps you will win the election someday.

By the way, att said it is restoring everything a couple of months ago.
Something is holding it up.

If you did not notice, the posts contain crime reports
that are meant to be read/recorded/acted upon by law enforcement
people who monitor these posts.
No, they do *not* contain crime reports. They contain unfounded
hallucinations and ravings of someone who clearly needs professional help.
Your saying that crimes are being committed do not make that true.

Please get professional psyciatric care and stay off newsgroups until you
have a firmer grasp of reality versus your fantasies.

"Tom Del Rosso" <> wrote in message news:<hPc4c.5966$>...
news2020 typed:

What evil that allows these doctors and
hospitals and high criminals to continue to
experiment more than 2 1/2 years after my
first police report !

Do you call them on the phone or go to the police station and talk to
the police in person?

That is extremely important. The person who answers the phone won't
understand. You MUST go to the station and show your injuries to a
senior officer (at least a sergeant). You should also ask to see
"social services".
I dont think thats going to help him or anyone.

Regards, NT
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