Bret Cahill
Ingesting calcium from oyster shell suppliments is supposedly
unhealthy from the high lead levels. Filter feeders concentrate the
heavy metal in their shell.
Now, to be sure, Pb is more reactive than Au and the concentration is
much higher in many oyster beds.
Moreover, years ago I calculated the cost of energy to pump water
through a fat short pipe and it came out to be worth more than the
gold in the same amount of seawater.
But times change. The entire world is wired so the credit crisis
ain't gonna be "solved" by a 1930s style Great Depression + killing 50
million in a world war. Instead they are gonna have to go the
inflation route. (Sorry, Bernanke, well trimmed facial hair will only
get you so far.)
Gold will soon be worth $2K/oz.
Is anyone working on this?
If sea water doesn't work I know where to get lots of water with much
higher concentrations of gold.
You might want to get your seafood somewhere else, however.
Bret Cahill
unhealthy from the high lead levels. Filter feeders concentrate the
heavy metal in their shell.
Now, to be sure, Pb is more reactive than Au and the concentration is
much higher in many oyster beds.
Moreover, years ago I calculated the cost of energy to pump water
through a fat short pipe and it came out to be worth more than the
gold in the same amount of seawater.
But times change. The entire world is wired so the credit crisis
ain't gonna be "solved" by a 1930s style Great Depression + killing 50
million in a world war. Instead they are gonna have to go the
inflation route. (Sorry, Bernanke, well trimmed facial hair will only
get you so far.)
Gold will soon be worth $2K/oz.
Is anyone working on this?
If sea water doesn't work I know where to get lots of water with much
higher concentrations of gold.
You might want to get your seafood somewhere else, however.
Bret Cahill