Go To VHDL Resource...


Rick C

I started a new design the other day and realized I had forgotten which web sites were good VHDL resources. There are resources for the language, there are good resources for the many libraries and there are good resources for style and techniques.

What is your favorite?


Rick C.

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Instant SoC (https://www.fpga-cores.com/instant-soc/) is my favorite.
Generates VHDL (CPU, memory, peripherals etc) from C++ code. Not same as HLS.
The CPU that generates is a RISC-V and the C++ compiler is gcc. Standard C++.
On 07/09/2020 23:31:46, Rick C wrote:
I started a new design the other day and realized I had forgotten which web sites were good VHDL resources. There are resources for the language, there are good resources for the many libraries and there are good resources for style and techniques.

What is your favorite?

If you want offline though a little dated:

Mike Perkins
Video Solutions Ltd

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