GM keyless entry


Chuck Norisez

My GM keyless entry pad is intermittant. Cleaning dosen't seem to help.
Anyone seen a schematic for these things?

Thanks, Chuck
Chuck Norisez wrote:
My GM keyless entry pad is intermittant. Cleaning dosen't seem to help.
Anyone seen a schematic for these things?

Thanks, Chuck
The problem could be either the keypad, battery holder, cracked PCB, or
the car receiver.

If you have a reasonably fast 'scope you might be able to see the signal
given off by the transmitter - take a short hunk of wire, wrap it around
the transmitter, then hook one end to the probe and the other to the
probe ground wire. Press the button and see if the scope shows something
with the voltage set to the lowest position and the horizontal set to
just about the fastest (except for a VERY fast scope of course!). I use
this setup for testing 21mHz controllers used in old Wall games
(coin-operated arcade games).

Can't you order a replacement module from GM?

If not haunt second hand shops looking for similar units for parts....

John :-#)#

(Please post followups or tech inquiries to the newsgroup)
John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."

Have you changed the battery in any recent time?

I worked on one for a late model Chevy Malibu recently and found bad
solder on all of the battery connections. Resoldering the contacts
(some of which were easier than others) restored perfect operation.

I would not call it really easy, as the through-hole pins of the
battery holder were only barely long enough to be seen on the other
side of the hole in the circuit board.


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