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GIANT SUNSPOT: There\'s a big dark spot in the middle of the sun. David J Kriegler saw it last night at sunset over Gulf Shores, Alabama:
This is AR3190, one of the largest sunspots of surging Solar Cycle 25. \"It\'s almost five times the diameter of Earth, and could be seen through the thick humid atmosphere over the Gulf of Mexico,\" says Kriegler.
The scale of AR3190 makes it an easy target for amateur astronomers. You don\'t even need a solar telescope. Eclipse glasses work, too. You might have some old ones left over from 2017; if not, here\'s where you can get a new pair.
Caution: Sunset photos like Kriegler\'s are possible, but be careful. Even when the sun is dimmed by low clouds or haze, looking directly through the camera can damage your eyes. Always use the LCD screen for viewfinding.
This is AR3190, one of the largest sunspots of surging Solar Cycle 25. \"It\'s almost five times the diameter of Earth, and could be seen through the thick humid atmosphere over the Gulf of Mexico,\" says Kriegler.
The scale of AR3190 makes it an easy target for amateur astronomers. You don\'t even need a solar telescope. Eclipse glasses work, too. You might have some old ones left over from 2017; if not, here\'s where you can get a new pair.
Caution: Sunset photos like Kriegler\'s are possible, but be careful. Even when the sun is dimmed by low clouds or haze, looking directly through the camera can damage your eyes. Always use the LCD screen for viewfinding.