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Applied Fluid Mechanics (Mott)
Applied Strength of Materials (Mott)
Adaptive Filter Theory (Simon Haykin)
An Introduction to Database Systems (C.J. Date)
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Johnson & Wichern)
A First Course in Abstract Algebra (John B. Fraleigh)
Adaptive Control, by Astrom, Wittenmark
Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, by G. James
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students (T.H.G. Megson)
Advanced calculus, by Gerald B. Folland
Antennas for All Applications (John Kraus & Ronald Marhefka)
An Introduction to the Finite Element Method (J. N. Reddy)
Advanced Fluid Mechanics (William Graebel)
A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, by Smith, Eggen, Andre
A First Course in Differential Equations, by Zill, Cullen
Applied Partial Differential Equations, by J. David Logan
Analytical Mechanics, by Fowels, Cassiday
Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, by Soo
T. Tan
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Erwin Kreyszig)
Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists
(Steven C. Chapra)
Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, by Gray,Hurst,
Lewis, Meyer
Advanced Mathematical Concepts Precalculus with Applications by
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers (Douglas Montgomery &
George Runger)
Antenna theory, by Balanis
Automatic Control Systems, by Kuo, Golnaraghi
Accompany Futures, Options, and Swaps, Robert W. Kolb
Applied Partial Differential Equations (Haberman)
Analysis and Performance of Fiber Composites (Bhagwan Agarwal,
Lawrence Broutman & K. Chandrashekhara
Advanced Visual Basic 2005 (Kip Irvine & Tony Gaddis)
Ada 95: Problem Solving and Program Design (Michael B. Feldman,
Algorithm Design (Jon Kleinberg & Éva Tardos)
Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem
Solving, Luger
Access 2007 Guidebook, Maggie Trigg, Phyllis Dobson
Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB (Fausett)
A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis (Bradie)
Algebra and Trigonometry (Michael Sullivan)
Algebra and Trigonometry (Robert F. Blitzer)
Algebra and Trigonometry: An Early Functions Approach (Robert F.
Algebra for College Students (Allen R. Angel)
Algebra for College Students (Robert F Blitzer)
A Graphical Approach to Precalculus (John Hornsby, Lial & Rockswold)
A Graphical Approach to Precalculus with Limits: A Unit Circle
Approach (John Hornsby, Margaret L. Lial & Gary K. Rockswold)
A Problem Solving Approach to Mathematics (Rick Billstein, Libeskind &
A Survey of Mathematics with Applications (Allen R. Angel, Abbott &
A Survey of Mathematics with Applications: Expanded Edition (Angel,
Abbott & Runde)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra (Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby &
Terry McGinnis)
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra with Applications & Visualization,
Gary K. Rockswold,Terry A. Kriege
Basic Engineering Plasticity: An Introduction with Engineering and
Manufacturing Applications (David Rees)
Biomaterials Science: An Introduction to Materials in Medicine, Buddy
D. Ratner, Allan Hoffman, Frederick Schoen & Jack Lemons)
Bioprocess Engineering Principles (Pauline M. Doran)
Business Math Using Calculators: With 10-Key Computer Assisted
Instruction (Burton)
Business Math & Study Guide Package, Cheryl Cleaves, Margie Hobbs.
Basic College Mathematics (John Tobey & Jeffrey Slater)
Basic College Mathematics with Early Integers (K. Elayn Martin-Gay)
Business Mathematics (Charles D. Miller, Stanley A. Salzman Gary
Beginning Algebra (Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby & Terry McGinnis)
Beginning Algebra with Applications & Visualization, Gary K.
Rockswold, Terry A. Krieger
Brief Course in Mathematical Statistics (Hogg & Tanis)
College Algebra Essentials (Michael Sullivan)
College Algebra (Robert F. Blitzer)
College Algebra Essentials (Robert F. Blitzer)
College Algebra: An Early Functions Approach (Robert F. Blitzer)
College Algebra: Concepts through Functions (Michael Sullivan III &
Michael Sullivan)
College Algebra Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (Sullivan III &
Michael Sullivan)
Construction Methods and Management (Stephens W. Nunnally)
Construction Project Administration (Fisk Wayne Reynolds)
Construction Accounting and Financial Management (Steven J. Peterson)
Cost Analysis and Estimating for Engineering and Management (Phillip
F. Ostwald & Timothy S. McLaren)
Construction Estimating Using Excel (Stephen J. Peterson)
Calculus for the Life Sciences (Marvin L. Bittinger, Neal Brand & John
Calculus with Applications for the Life Sciences (Raymond N.
Greenwell, Nathan P. Ritchey & Margaret L. Lial)
Calculus (George B. Thomas, Jr. & Ross L. Finney)
Calculus: A Complete Course (Ross L. Finney, Franklin D. Demana, Bert
K. Waits & Daniel Kennedy)
Calculus (Elgin H. Johnston & Jerry Mathews)
Chemical Engineering Volume 1, by Richardson, Coulson,Backhurst,
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Larry Peterson, Bruce Davie
Computer Organization and Design, the Hardware/Software Interface,
David Patterson, John Hennessy
Customer Service: Career Success through Customer Loyalty (Timm)
Customer Service: A Practical Approach (Harris)
Conceptual Physical Science (Paul G. Hewitt, John A. Suchocki & Leslie
Conceptual Integrated Science (Paul G. Hewitt, Suzanne Lyons, John A.
Suchocki & Jennifer Yeh)
Conceptual Physics Media Update, Paul G. Hewitt
College Physics (Jerry D Wilson, Anthony J Buffa & Bo Lou)
College Algebra and Trigonometry (J. S. Ratti & Marcus S. McWaters)
College Algebra and Trigonometry (Mark Dugopolski)
College Algebra and Trigonometry (Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby &
David I. Schneider)
College Algebra (Mark Dugopolski)
College Algebra in Context with Applications for the Managerial, Life,
and Social Sciences (Ronald J. Harshbarger & Lisa S. Yocco)
College Algebra (Judith A. Beecher, Judith A. Penna & Marvin L.
College Algebra (Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby & David I. Schneider)
Contemporary Engineering Economics (Chan Park)
Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, & Biological
Chemistry, Karen C Timberlake
Conceptual Chemistry, (John A. Suchocki)
Customer Relationship Management: The Bottom Line to Optimizing Your
ROI (Anton & Petouhoff)
Computer Numerical Control: Operation and Programming (Jon S.
Stenerson & Kelly Curran)
Corporate Finance (Jonathan Berk & Peter DeMarzo)
College Algebra (J. S. Ratti & Marcus S. McWaters)
Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++ (Michael Main & Walter
Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++ (Mark Allen Weiss)
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java (Mark Allen Weiss)
Data Structures in Java: From Abstract Data Types to the Java
Collections Framework, by Gray
Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with Java (Frank M. Carrano &
Data Structures and Other Objects Using Java (Michael Main)
Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java (Mark Allen Weiss)
Data Structures in Java (Thomas A. Standish)
Database Systems: An Application Oriented Approach, Compete Version
(Michael Kifer, Arthur Bernstein & Philip M. Lewis)
DataBase Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and
Management (Thomas M. Connolly & Carolyn E. Begg)
Database Systems: An Application-Oriented Approach, Introductory
Version (Michael Kifer, Arthur Bernstein & Philip M. Lewis)
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (Mark Allen Weiss)
Distributed Computing: Principles and Applications (M.L. Liu)
Distributed Operating Systems and Algorithm Analysis (Randy Chow &
Theodore Johnson)
Decision Modeling with MicrosoftÂŽ Excel (Moore & Weatherford)
Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (Turban, Aronson,
Ting-Peng Liang & Sharda)
Discrete Mathematics (Sherwood Washburn, Thomas Marlowe & Charles
Developmental Mathematics (K. Elayn Martin-Gay)
Electronic Project Design and Fabrication (Ronald A. Reis)
Error Control Coding ( Shu Lin & Daniel J. Costello)
Excel 2003 Volume II: Advanced Concepts in Excel (Karen J.Jolly)
Ethics for the Information Age (Michael J. Quinn)
Excel 2003 Volume 1: Core Concepts in Excel (Karen J. Jolly)
Extended Prelude to Programming (Stewart Venit & Elizabeth Drake)
Essential C++ for Engineers and Scientists (Jeri R. Hanly)
Engineering Computation with MATLAB (David Smith)
Elementary Algebra Early Graphing for College Students (Allen R.
Elementary Algebra (Michael Sullivan III, Katherine R. Struve & Janet
Elementary Algebra for College Students (Allen R. Angel)
Experiencing Introductory and Intermediate Algebra through Functions
and Graphs (JoAnne Thomasson & Robert Pesut)
Elementary & Intermediate Algebra (Michael Sullivan III, Katherine R.
Struve & Mazzarella)
Essentials of Introductory and Intermediate Algebra for College
Students (Robert F. Blitzer)
Essentials of College Algebra: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities,
Michael Sullivan III
Essential Discrete Mathematics (Todd Feil & Joan Krone)
Elementary Statistics (Neil A. Weiss)
Elementary Statistics Using the TI-83/84 Plus Calculator (Mario F.
Elementary Statistics with Multimedia Study Guide (Mario F. Triola)
Essentials of Statistics (Mario F. Triola)
Essentials of College Algebra with Modeling and Visualization (Gary K.
Essentials of College Algebra (Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby & David
Essentials of College Algebra, Alternate Edition (Margaret L. Lial,
Hornsby & Schneider)
Essentials of Geometry for College Students (Margaret L. Lial, Barbara
A. Brown, Arnold R. Steffenson & L. Murphy Johnson)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (Tom Carson, Ellyn Gillespie &
Bill E. Jordan)
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, George Woodbury
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications (Marvin
L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen & Barbara L. Johnson)
Essential Foundations of Economics plus MyEconLab, Robin Bade, Michael
Economic Growth, David N. Wei
Economic Development (Michael P. Todaro & Stephen C. Smith)
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (Tom Tietenberg)
Engineering Materials Vol. 1: An Introduction to Properties,
Applications and Design (Michael Ashby & David R H Jones)
Engineering Materials Vol. 2: An Introduction to Microstructures,
Processing and Design (Michael Ashby & David R H Jones)
Electronic Circuits - Fundamentals & Applications, Mike Tooley
Engineering Materials Science, by Milton Ohring
Foundations of Macroeconomics (Robin Bade & Michael Parkin)
Foundations of Microeconomics (Robin Bade & Michael Parkin)
Finite Mathematics, by Margaret L. Lial , Raymond N. Greenwell ,
Nathan P. Ritchey
Fundamentals of Differential Equations bound, Kent Nagle, B. Saff,
Financial Accounting, by Harrison
Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes (Aldo da Rosa)
First Course in Statistics (James T. McClave & Terry Sincich)
Fundamentals of Complex Analysis with Applications to Engineering,
Science, and Mathematics (E. Saff & Arthur Snider)
Fundamentals of Statistics (Michael III Sullivan)
Fundamentals of Investing (Lawrence J. Gitman & Michael D.Joehnk)
Financial Accounting: An International Introduction, by Alexander,
First Course in Quality Engineering (KS Krishnamoorthi)
Foundations of Operations Management (Ritzman & Krajewski)
Fundamentals of Forensic Science (Max Houck & Jay Siegel)
Fundamentals of Structural Stability (George Simitses & Dewey Hodges)
Fundamentals of Precalculus, Mark Dugopolski
Functioning in the Real World: A Precalculus Experience (Sheldon P.
Gordon, Florence S. Gordon, Alan C. Tucker & Martha J.Siegel)
Fundamental Mathematics, Marvin L. Bittinger
Gas Dynamics (John & Keith)
Geometry: An Investigative Approach (Phares G. O'Daffer & Stanley R.
Geology for Engineers and Environmental Scientists (Alan E. Kehew)
General, Organic and Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life (Karen
C. Timberlake)
Groundwater Science (Charles Fitts)
Geometry Connections (John K. Beem)
Guide to Microsoft Excel 2002 for Scientists and Engineers (Bernard V.
Health Economics (Charles E. Phelps)
Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach - by Cengel
How to Break Software Security (James A. Whittaker & Herbert H.
Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis (Philip Bedient, Wayne Huber &
Baxter Vieux)
Higher Engineering Mathematics (John Bird)
History of Mathematics: Brief Version (Victor J. Katz)
Introduction to Vacuum Technology (David M. Hata)
Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach
(Sedgewick & Kevin Wayne)
Introduction to Programming Using Java: An Object-Oriented Approach,
Arnow, Dexter Weiss)
Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach Using OpenGL
(Edward Angel)
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Anany V.
Implementing Databases in Oracle 9i (John Day & Craig Van Slyke)
Internet Effectively: A Beginner's Guide to the World Wide Web (Tyrone
Adams & Sharon Scollard)
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (Hogg, Craig & McKean)
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications (Larsen &
Introductory Algebra (Robert F Blitzer)
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra (Robert F Blitzer)
Intermediate Algebra for College Students (Allen R. Angel)
Intermediate Algebra (Michael Sullivan III & Katherine R. Struve)
Intermediate Algebra (K. Elayn Martin-Gay)
Intermediate Algebra (Marvin L. Bittinger)
Intermediate Algebra: Graphs & Models (Marvin L. Bittinger, David J.
Ellenbogen & Barbara L. Johnson)
Intermediate Algebra (Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby & Terry McGinnis)
Intermediate Algebra with Applications and Visualization (Gary K.
Rockswold & Terry A. Krieger)
Intermediate Algebra through Applications, Geoffrey Akst, Sadie Bragg
Intermediate Algebra (Tom Carson, Ellyn Gillespie & Bill E. Jordan)
Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications (Marvin L. Bittinger &
David J. Ellenbogen)
Introductory Algebra (Richelle M. Blair)
Introductory Algebra (Marvin L. Bittinger)
Introductory Algebra (Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby & Terry McGinnis)
International Economics: Theory and Policy (Paul R. Krugman & Maurice
Introduction to Management Science with Student CD (Bernard W. Taylor)
Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management with Advanced
Decision Support Tools, Cecil Bozarth
Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, Cecil Bozarth,
Robert B. Handfield
Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming (Walter
Java: An Introduction to Computing (Joel Adams, Larry R. Nyhoff &
Jeffrey Nyhoff)
Java Foundations: Introduction to Program Design and Data Structures,
Lewis, DePasquale, Chase
Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design (John Lewis &
William Loftus)
Java Software Structures: Designing and Using Data Structures (Lewis,
Job Hazard Analysis (James E. Roughton & Nathan Crutchfield)
Kernel Projects for Linux (Gary Nutt)
Linear Algebra with Applications (Bretscher)
Law and Economics (Robert Cooter & Thomas Ulen)
Linear Algebra, by Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel , Lawrence E.
Linear Algebra with Applications, by Otto Bretscher
Linear Circuit Analysis: Time Domain, Phasor and Laplace
Linear Systems and Signals, B P Lathi
LabVIEW 8 Student Edition (Bishop)
Logic and Design of Computer Programs (Jim Messinger)
Learning SQL: A Step-by-Step Guide Using Access (Sikha Bagui & Richard
Light on the Web: Essentials to Making the 'Net Work for You (Wendy G.
Linear Algebra with Applications (S. Leon)
Linear Algebra for Engineers and Scientists Using Matlab (Hardy)
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, by Morris Mano and Charles
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (Gary L. Peterson & James S.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, David C. Lay
Laser Processing of Engineering Materials: Principles, Procedure and
Industrial Application, John Ion
Laminar Composites (by George Staab)
Learning Math in Elementary and Middle School & IMAP Package (George
Cathcart, Yvonne M. Pothier, James H. Vance & Nadine S. Bezuk)
Machine Design: An Integrated Approach (Norton)
Mechanics of Materials, by Russell C. Hibbeler
Modern Control Systems (Dorf)
Modern Wireless Communications (Simon Haykin, Michael Moher)
Mathematics for the Technical Trades (Cook)
Mathematical Statistics with Applications (Miller)
Macroeconomics, by Michael Leeds, Allmen, Schiming
Macroeconomics (Stephen D. Williamson)
Money, the Financial System, and the Economy (R. Glenn Hubbard)
Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus (Jeffrey M.
Modern Industrial Organization (Dennis W. Carlton & Jeffrey M.
Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy (Ronald G. Ehrenberg
& Robert S. Smith)
Market Regulation (Roger Sherman)
Mathematical Methods for Economics (Michael Klein)
Multinational Business Finance (David K. Eiteman, Arthur I. Stonehill
& Michael H. Moffett)
Mechanics of Materials: A Modern Integration of Mechanics and
Materials in Structural Design, Jenkins & Khanna)
Modern Operating Systems, by Andrew Tanenbaum
Mathematics with Applications (Margaret L. Lial, Hungerford & John
Mathematical Ideas Expanded Edition (Charles D. Miller, Heeren & John
Mathematics All Around (Tom Pirnot)
Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers (Phares O'Daffer, Randall
Charles, Thomas Cooney, John A. Dossey & Jane Schielack)
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers plus Activities Manual (Sybilla
Mathematical Reasoning for Elementary Teachers (Calvin T. Long & Duane
W. DeTemple)
Mechatronics: Principles and Applications (Godfrey Onwubolu)
Machine Vision: Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities (E. R. Davies)
Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain (S. Thomas Foster)
Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards (William
Numerical Methods Using Matlab (Mathews & Fink)
Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications by Ravindra K.
Ahuja , Thomas L. Magnanti
Numerical Methods for Engineers (Steven C. Chapra)
Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials, Mark J.
Schulz, Ajit D. Kelkar
Numerical Analysis (Timothy Sauer)
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation (Jeffery J. Leader)
Network Management: Principles and Practice (Mani Subramanian)
Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, by Dunn, Constantinides &
Prabhas Moghe)
Operating System Concepts, Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne
Objects First With Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ (Barnes
& Kolling)
Object of Java, the: Introduction to Programming Using Software
Engineering Principles (David D. Riley)
Object-Oriented Programming in Java: A Graphical Approach, Preliminary
Ed.,Kathryn Sanders & Andy van Dam)
Oracle 10g Programming: A Primer (Rajshekhar Sunderraman)
Oracle 9i Programming: A Primer (Rajshekhar Sunderraman)
OSP: An Environment for Operating System Projects (Michael Kifer &
Scott A. Smolka)
Object-Oriented Programming featuring Graphical Applications in Java
(Michael J. Laszlo)
Object Oriented Software Development Using Java (Xiaoping Jia)
Prealgebra & Introductory Algebra (K. Elayn Martin-Gay)
Prealgebra (Jamie Blair, John Tobey & Jeffrey Slater)
Precalculus (Michael Sullivan)
Precalculus (Robert F. Blitzer)
Precalculus Essentials (Robert F. Blitzer)
Precalculus: Concepts through Functions, A Unit Circle Approach to
Trigonometry (Michael Sullivan III & Michael Sullivan)
Precalculus Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (Michael Sullivan III
Precalculus Essentials: Enhanced with Graphing Utilities (Michael
Sullivan III )
Prealgebra (Margaret L. Lial & Diana L. Hestwood)
Prealgebra (Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbogen & Barbara L.
Prealgebra (Tom Carson)
Physics: Principles with Applications with MasteringPhysics, Douglas
C. Giancoli
Physlet Physics: Interactive Illustrations, Explorations and Problems
for Introductory Physics (Wolfgang Christian & Mario Belloni)
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics and
MasteringPhysics, Douglas C. Giancoli
Physlet Quantum Physics: An Interactive Introduction (Mario Belloni,
Christian & Anne Cox)
Precalculus: Graphs and Models Graphing Calculator Manual Package.,
Marvin L. Bittinger, Judith A. Beecher, David J. Ellenbogen & Judith
A. Penna)
Precalculus with Modeling and Visualization (Gary K. Rockswold)
Precalculus (Judith A. Beecher, Judith A. Penna & Marvin L. Bittinger)
Precalculus (Mark Dugopolski)
Precalculus (Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby & David I. Schneider)
Precalculus: Functions and Graphs (Mark Dugopolski)
Principles of Chemical Kinetics (James House)
Plant Pathology (George Agrios)
Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control (Zaki Ahmad)
Physical Metallurgy and Advanced Materials (R E Smallman & A.H.W.
Plastics: Microstructure and Engineering Applications (Nigel Mills)
Project Management for Business and Engineering: Principles and
Practice (John Nicholas)
Professionalism: Real Skills for Workplace Success (Anderson & Bolt)
Principles of Operations Management, Jay Heizer, Barry Render
Physical Chemistry with Spartan Student Physical Chemistry Software
(Thomas Engel & Philip Reid)
Prentice Hall Lab Manual Introductory Chemistry, (Charles H Corwin)
Probability and Statistics with Integrated Software Routines (Ronald
Probability and Random Processes: With Applications to Signal
Processing and Communications (Miller & Childers)
Practical Perl with CGI Applications (Elizabeth Chang)
Project-Based Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented Approach
(Stiller & Cathie LeBlanc)
Pointers on C (Kenneth Reek)
Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists (Walpole,Myers,
Probability and Statistics (Morris H. DeGroot & Mark J. Schervish)
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra (Marvin L. Bittinger & David J.
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra (Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby,
Terry McGinnis & Diana L. Hestwood)
Physics: Concepts & Connections (Art Hobson)
Physics with Mastering Physics (James S. Walker)
Power Generation Technologies (Paul Breeze)
Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy (Octavian Catuneanu
Quantum Mechanics: An Accessible Introduction (Robert Scherrer)
Quantum Physics, by Stephen Gasiorowicz
Quality (summers)
Quality Management (Goetsch & Davis)
Quality: A Corporate Force, Managing for Excellence (C. Harold Aikens)
Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists, Engineers, and
Managers (Goetsch)
Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy with Spartan Student Physical
Chemistry Software (Thomas Engel & Philip Reid)
Quantitive Reasoning & the Environment (Greg Langkamp & Joseph Hull)
Risk Takers: Uses and Abuses of Financial Derivatives ( John
RF Circuit Design: Theory & Applications, by Bretchko, Ludwig
Reinforced Concrete Design (George F. Limbrunner & Abi Aghayere)
Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design (James G. MacGregor & James
K. Wight)
Renewable Energy (Sørensen or Sorensen)
Statistics: Informed Decisions Using Data (Michael III Sullivan)
Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning From Data (Agresti &
Statistics for the Life Sciences (Samuels & Witmer)
Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences (Mendenhall & Sincich)
Statistics (McClave & Terry Sincich)
Serving Internal and External Customers (Anne Swartzlander)
Supply Chain Management (Sunil Chopra & Peter Meindl)
Statistical Quality Design and Control (DeVor, Chang & Sutherland)
Simply C#: An Application-Driven Tutorial Approach, by Deitel, Hoey
Six Sigma: Basic Tools and Techniques (Donna C.S. Summers)
Structures (Daniel Lewis Schodek & Martin Bechthold)
Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and Building
Construction (Onouye & Kane)
Surveying with Construction Applications (Barry F. Kavanagh)
Structural Analysis (Hibbeler)
Structural Steel Design (Jack C. McCormac)
The Economics of Macro Issues (Roger LeRoy Miller & Daniel K.
The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Frederic S.
The Economics of Sports (Michael A. Leeds & Peter von Allmen)
Theory of Asset Pricing (George Pennacchi)
Thomas' Calculus: Multivariable, by Thomas, Weir, Hass, Giordano
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach (Cengel)
The Science and Engineering of Materials, by Donald R.Askeland,
Pradeep P. Phule
Thermal Physics (Ralph Baierlein)
Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements (Figliola & Beasley)
Transport Phenomena (Bird & Stewart)
The Economics of Public Issues (Roger LeRoy Miller, Daniel K. Benjamin
& Douglass C. North)
The 8051 Microcontroller (I. Scott MacKenzie, Raphael Chung-Wei Phan)
The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals (Zienkiewicz,
Taylor Zhu)
The Management of Construction: A Project Lifecycle Approach (F.
Lawrence Bennett)
Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems (Faghri & Zhang)
Theory of Plasticity (Jagabanduhu Chakrabarty)
Themodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, and Kinetics (Thomas Engel
& Philip Reid)
The Physics of Sound (Richard E Berg & David G Stork)
University Physics with Modern Physics, Hugh D. Young, Roger A.
Understanding Modern Economics (Roger LeRoy Miller)
Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide (A.H. Studenmund)
Understanding Fiber Optics (Jeff Hecht)
Understanding UNIX/LINUX Programming: A Guide to Theory and Practice
(Bruce Molay)
University Calculus (Joel D. Hass, Maurice D. Weir & George B. Thomas,
University Calculus: Alternate Edition (Joel D. Hass, Maurice D. Weir
& George B. Thomas, Jr.)
Unix: The Textbook (Syed Mansoor Sarwar, Robert Koretsky & Syed Aqeel
Understanding the Math You Teach: Content and Methods for
Prekindergarten through Grade 4 (Anita C. Burris)
Using and Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasoning
Approach, Bennett, Briggs)
Understanding Engineering Mathematics (Bill Cox)
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics & Dynamics (Ferdinand P. Beer)
Visual Basic 2008 How to Program, (Harvey & Paul) Deitel
Visual Basic.Net Programming (Jeffrey Tsay)
VHDL: A Starter's Guide (Sudhakar Yalamanchili)
Vector Calculus (Susan J. Colley)
Virtual ChemLab: General Chemistry Student Lab Manual / Workbook,
v2.5. (Brian F. Woodfield & Matthew C. Asplund)
VLSI Test Principles and Architectures: Design for Testability (Chen,
Cheng, Eklow et al.)
Wireless Communications & Networks (William Stallings)
Work Systems: The Methods, Measurement & Management of Work (Mikell P.
World Trade and Payments: An Introduction (Richard E. Caves,Jeffrey A.
Frankel & Ronald W. Jones)
Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, by Rappaport
Wireless Communications and Networking (Jon W. Mark, Weihua Zhuang)
Web 101 (Wendy G. Lehnert & Richard L. Kopec)
Web Development and Design Foundations with XHTML
Water and Wastewater Technology (Mark J. Hammer, Sr. & Mark J. Hammer,
Water-Resources Engineering (Chin)
XML: Language Mechanics and Applications (Dwight Peltzer)
10-Key Touch Key: Developing Speed and Accuracy (Burton)
I need to get the solution manual for fundamentals of complex analysis
Edward wrote:
I need to get the solution manual for fundamentals of complex analysis
Another "student" too lazy to even cheat effectively.

Just list the name of your instructor at Columbia University.
The answers could be sent directly to him--no need for you at all.
Was wondering if I could get:

Data Structures and Other Objects Using Java (Michael Main)

Thanks a bunch!

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