Arfa Daily
Never come across this make before. Anyone by any remote chance got a set of
schematics for an 'El Diablo 60' or similar model. Only user manuals on
their website, and I can't find any of their schematics on all my other
'usual suspect' sites. I need to fix this on the hurry up - by the weekend
if poss. It suffered spike damage from a nearby lightning strike when the
owner was playing at a recent outdoor gig.
Amp basically works ok, but unable to select between "Warm" and "Hot"
channels, either with the front panel switch or the footswitch.
schematics for an 'El Diablo 60' or similar model. Only user manuals on
their website, and I can't find any of their schematics on all my other
'usual suspect' sites. I need to fix this on the hurry up - by the weekend
if poss. It suffered spike damage from a nearby lightning strike when the
owner was playing at a recent outdoor gig.
Amp basically works ok, but unable to select between "Warm" and "Hot"
channels, either with the front panel switch or the footswitch.