this is what i have
sig : std_logic_vector((width - 1) downto 0);
if(sig = ???????)then
Basically what I am trying to do is compare sig to a vector that would
be all 0's and lsb is a 1 and another one that would be msb and lsb 1
and all the rest 0's. So some examples would would be:
width = 3
sig = 001 or 101
width = 4
sig = 0001 or 1001
I found this line from another post
Sig = (Sig'high downto Sig'low + 1 => '0', Sig'low => '1')
but i tried that in my if statement and when i compile modelsim gives
me this error.
** Error: C:/PROJECTS/RPECS/spi/spi.vhd(99): (vcom-1073) Non-locally
static choice (association #1, choice #1) is allowed only if it is the
only choice of the only association.
so any help with this would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
sig : std_logic_vector((width - 1) downto 0);
if(sig = ???????)then
Basically what I am trying to do is compare sig to a vector that would
be all 0's and lsb is a 1 and another one that would be msb and lsb 1
and all the rest 0's. So some examples would would be:
width = 3
sig = 001 or 101
width = 4
sig = 0001 or 1001
I found this line from another post
Sig = (Sig'high downto Sig'low + 1 => '0', Sig'low => '1')
but i tried that in my if statement and when i compile modelsim gives
me this error.
** Error: C:/PROJECTS/RPECS/spi/spi.vhd(99): (vcom-1073) Non-locally
static choice (association #1, choice #1) is allowed only if it is the
only choice of the only association.
so any help with this would be greatly appreciated. thanks.