Valentin Tihomirov
An example looks like this. Please, don't be very quarrel to small
//on clock
Sample <= Sample + 1;
if Sample = 7 then
BitPos <= BitPos + 1;
case BitPos is
0: ...
9: BitPos <= 0; Sample <= 0; -- AVAIL <= '1';
else ..
end case;
end if;
I get a FF and loose one clock cycle signaling data availabalility when
asserting AVAIL signal inside the CASE block. I want AVAIL to be calculated
from Sample and BitPost signals:
AVAIL <= (Sample = 7) and (BitPos = 9);
I could have this statement out of the clocked block (inside a combinational
process) but this would involve additional logic that is already synthesied
inside case block.
//on clock
Sample <= Sample + 1;
if Sample = 7 then
BitPos <= BitPos + 1;
case BitPos is
0: ...
9: BitPos <= 0; Sample <= 0; -- AVAIL <= '1';
else ..
end case;
end if;
I get a FF and loose one clock cycle signaling data availabalility when
asserting AVAIL signal inside the CASE block. I want AVAIL to be calculated
from Sample and BitPost signals:
AVAIL <= (Sample = 7) and (BitPos = 9);
I could have this statement out of the clocked block (inside a combinational
process) but this would involve additional logic that is already synthesied
inside case block.