There is a common gender inequality for electronics products. People
who buy light bulbs prefer Edison bulbs over female invented bulbs. TV
sets designed by men like Farnsworth are purchased more than TV sets
invented by women. Computer transistor hardware is invented by men
like Shockley and Moore instead of female transistor types. The list
is large where examples of toasters, ovens, heaters, cars, airplanes,
nuclear generators, AC generators, motors, water pumps, tractors,
motorcycles made by men are preferred over those invented, designed,
and sold by females. Please consider purchasing airplanes invented by
women the next time you fly. Instead of the qwerty keyboard, buy
keyboards arranged by women. When you use an internet, use one
invented by women. When talking on a telephone, shun the Alexander
Grahm Bell type and use the female style telephones that are
advertised. Why should the Wright Brothers, Bells, Einsteins, and
Edisons be favored over the billions of female electronics and
technological producers? Is there some kind of logic to that gender
who buy light bulbs prefer Edison bulbs over female invented bulbs. TV
sets designed by men like Farnsworth are purchased more than TV sets
invented by women. Computer transistor hardware is invented by men
like Shockley and Moore instead of female transistor types. The list
is large where examples of toasters, ovens, heaters, cars, airplanes,
nuclear generators, AC generators, motors, water pumps, tractors,
motorcycles made by men are preferred over those invented, designed,
and sold by females. Please consider purchasing airplanes invented by
women the next time you fly. Instead of the qwerty keyboard, buy
keyboards arranged by women. When you use an internet, use one
invented by women. When talking on a telephone, shun the Alexander
Grahm Bell type and use the female style telephones that are
advertised. Why should the Wright Brothers, Bells, Einsteins, and
Edisons be favored over the billions of female electronics and
technological producers? Is there some kind of logic to that gender