gate level simulation with design compiler & vcs


Peter Gavin

Hi everyone,

I hope someone here can help me :) The group at my university
received licenses from Synopsys for their suite of tools, and a few of
us students have been given the task of trying to figure out how to
use them. Unfortunately, no one here has any prior experience with
them, and the documentation that comes with it is quite terse and
doesn't explain some of the finer details.

In any case, we've designed a very simple CPU model in verilog, and
we've been successful in doing a behavioral simulation with VCS. So I
figured I'd try doing a gate-level simulation next, because after that
I want to do power usage analysis on the design.

So in any case, we wrote this script to do the synthesis:

======= cut here =========
set DFF_CKQ 0.2;
set DFF_SETUP 0.0;
set TOPLEVEL "cpu"
set GATE_PATH "/srv/software/synopsys/B-2008.09-SP3/libraries/syn/"
set CLK "in_clock"
set RST "in_reset"
set CLK_PERIOD 0.1;
set search_path [concat $search_path $GATE_PATH]
set target_library lsi_10k.db
set symbol_library lsi_10k.sdb
set synthetic_library dw_foundation.sldb
set link_library "* $target_library $synthetic_library"

set PC_BITS 32

set power_preserve_rtl_hier_names "true"

set modules {memory2 regfile fetch decode exec mem writeback cpu}

foreach module $modules {
analyze -format verilog $module.v
elaborate $module

current_design $TOPLEVEL

rtl2saif -output cpu-forward.saif -design $TOPLEVEL

create_clock $CLK -period $CLK_PERIOD
set_clock_uncertainty $CLK_UNCERTAINTY [all_clocks]
set_dont_touch_network [all_clocks]
remove_driving_cell $RST
set_drive 0 $RST
set_dont_touch_network $RST
set_output_delay $DFF_SETUP -clock $CLK [all_outputs]
set_load 1.5 [all_outputs]
set all_inputs_wo_rst_clk [remove_from_collection
[remove_from_collection [all_inputs] [get_port $CLK]] [get_port $RST]]
set_input_delay -clock $CLK $DFF_CKQ $all_inputs_wo_rst_clk



write -format verilog -hierarchy -output cpu_gate.v

Some of this script was copied from other places, so it might be
wrong. So the resulting cpu_gate.v file should be a gate level
netlist that I can simulate with VCS, right? I tried simulating it
using the same testbench we used for the behavioral simulation, but
VCS gate me a bunch of missing module errors while elaborating it. So
I figured it was because VCS couldn't find the primitives in the
lsi_10k library, tried running these commands in dc_shell:

read_lib lsi_10k.lib
write_lib -f vhdl lsi_10k

This left me with three vhdl files: lsi_10k_Vcomponents.vhd
lsi_10k_VITAL.vhd lsi_10k_Vtables.vhd
I tried including them in the simulation by running vhdlan on them
after running vlogan on the rest of the design and the testbench.
That didn't work either.

So, I know I might be completely barking up the wrong tree right now,
but I'm hoping someone here might be able to show me the right one.
Any ideas?

Oh, and I'm sure there's a book somewhere that explains how to do all
this stuff. Could someone point out a good one for me to get?

Thanks in advance,
On Feb 16, 9:17 am, Peter Gavin <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I hope someone here can help me :)  The group at my university
received licenses from Synopsys for their suite of tools, and a few of
us students have been given the task of trying to figure out how to
use them.  Unfortunately, no one here has any prior experience with
them, and the documentation that comes with it is quite terse and
doesn't explain some of the finer details.
It's unfortunate that you haven't got any replies yet. It's a
real pleasure to see a student's question so clearly put and
so obviously based on experience of really doing the work.

You are definitely right about VCS not being able to find the
library primitive simulation models. However, I'm a little
surprised that you tried to generate VHDL rather than Verilog
simulation models - it's sure to make your life more difficult
if you have a mixed-language environment to worry about.

Can you try writing the library out as a Verilog file?

write_lib -f verilog -o lsi_10k_sim_models.v lsi_10k

You can then provide that library file as a -v option
to VCS:

vcs -v lsi_10k_sim_models.v <my_files>.v ...

The -v option says "look in this file for any
missing modules".

Sorry, I can't try this as I don't have access to the
appropriate Synopsys license to do write_lib.

Oh, and I'm sure there's a book somewhere that explains how to do all
this stuff.  Could someone point out a good one for me to get?
Not that I know of. Design Compiler is a *seriously* expensive
tool, and paying customers get access to lots of support from
Synopsys. You probably don't. However, you might like to
ask your prof whether you have a SolvNet login (Synopsys
support website); if so, a trawl around there may well help.

Finally.... the lsi_10k library is a pretty simple affair,
and it is probably not beyond you to write your own
simulation models for those primitives that your design
uses. But maybe that's a shade more educational than
you would wish :)

Sorry I can't be more help.
Jonathan Bromley
Peter Gavin <> writes:

I tried simulating it using the same testbench we used for the
behavioral simulation, but VCS gate me a bunch of missing module
errors while elaborating it. So I figured it was because VCS
couldn't find the primitives in the lsi_10k library, tried running
these commands in dc_shell:

read_lib lsi_10k.lib
write_lib -f vhdl lsi_10k

This left me with three vhdl files: lsi_10k_Vcomponents.vhd
lsi_10k_VITAL.vhd lsi_10k_Vtables.vhd
Using VHDL libraries in this case is most certainly wrong.

Not sure if you have access to the library source. In that case you
should be pointing VCS to the source directory (-y <dir name>)

Normally there should be a directory (the "library") with hundreds of
Verilog files, each defining exactly one module. File name and module
name should be identical, AFAIR. If the Verilog files use some
extension different from .v, because of some different naming
convention, +libext+<extension>. Check out the documentation for

This procedure is a de facto standard and common across all Verilog

note that "property" can also be used as syntaxtic sugar to reference
a property, breaking the clean design of verilog; [...]

(seen on
On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 13:53:29 +0100, Marcus Harnisch
<> wrote:
Normally there should be a directory (the "library") with hundreds of
Verilog files, each defining exactly one module.
Not necessarily. Sometimes, it's just one huge file with all the cell
modules included one after the other. Depending on how the cell
library models are delivered, one needs to use the '-y' or '-v' option
of the verilog compiler to link them in.
-- Muzaffer Kal

ASIC/FPGA Design Services

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