There are plenty of 9900mAhuh 18650 batteries around. A huh is around 3 minutes in China. 9900mAhuh is equivalent to 500mAh in the rest of the world. If you inform the seller about the misprint (missing uh), they will give you half off. If you ask nicely, they might give you the other half off as well. But i don't want to try too hard on them.
9900mAhuh is around 35c/W, 17c/W or 0c/W. For comparisons:
Samsung, LG: 50c/W
Panasonic, Tesla: 33c/W
Leaf 2G: 25c/W
Leaf 1G: 20c/W
So, half off on 9900mAhuh is reasonable, at least until ebay shut me down.
9900mAhuh is around 35c/W, 17c/W or 0c/W. For comparisons:
Samsung, LG: 50c/W
Panasonic, Tesla: 33c/W
Leaf 2G: 25c/W
Leaf 1G: 20c/W
So, half off on 9900mAhuh is reasonable, at least until ebay shut me down.