Max Hauser
20 years ago today Piet Beertema in the Netherlands posted his famous 1984
Chernenko / kremvax hoax to public newsgroups. This episode and
its even more remarkable follow-ups are well remembered by those who saw
them at the time (also by many system administrators and to the few people
who actually study Internet history). If you do not know the hoax or the
follow-ups and are curious, I posted a summary and links to comp.misc a
couple of days ago.
Chernenko / kremvax hoax to public newsgroups. This episode and
its even more remarkable follow-ups are well remembered by those who saw
them at the time (also by many system administrators and to the few people
who actually study Internet history). If you do not know the hoax or the
follow-ups and are curious, I posted a summary and links to comp.misc a
couple of days ago.