Dude Whocares
US Patent 7,124,075 Methods and apparatus for pitch determination
will be auctioned as Lot 147 at the upcoming ICAP Patent Brokerage
Live IP Action on November 17, 2011 at The Ritz Carlton, San
The patent addresses a core problem of signal processing in general,
and speech signal processing in particular: period (fundamental
frequency) determination of a (quasi)-periodic signal, or pitch
detection problem in speech/audio signal processing.
Patented nonlinear signal processing techniques originate from chaos
theory and address known limitations of traditional linear signal
processing methods like FFT or correlation.
Patented methods are amenable to efficient implementation in both
software and hardware (FPGAs, ASICs).
Forward citations include Microsoft, Mitsubishi Space Software,
Broadcom, Sharp and Teradata.
Visit ICAPs website for more information: http://icappatentbrokerage.com/forsale
will be auctioned as Lot 147 at the upcoming ICAP Patent Brokerage
Live IP Action on November 17, 2011 at The Ritz Carlton, San
The patent addresses a core problem of signal processing in general,
and speech signal processing in particular: period (fundamental
frequency) determination of a (quasi)-periodic signal, or pitch
detection problem in speech/audio signal processing.
Patented nonlinear signal processing techniques originate from chaos
theory and address known limitations of traditional linear signal
processing methods like FFT or correlation.
Patented methods are amenable to efficient implementation in both
software and hardware (FPGAs, ASICs).
Forward citations include Microsoft, Mitsubishi Space Software,
Broadcom, Sharp and Teradata.
Visit ICAPs website for more information: http://icappatentbrokerage.com/forsale