Matt North
Is it good code practice to use functions in code that will be synthesised
to a chip, rather than using them in testbenches etc?
I have a function which holds a for loop, the loop identifier increments
through an array
performing a conversion on each byte of the array.
When this is simulated in modelsim it seems to convert all the data in the
array instantly,
how does this relate to the conversion it must be doing in the hardware!.
Is it good code practice to use functions in code that will be synthesised
to a chip, rather than using them in testbenches etc?
I have a function which holds a for loop, the loop identifier increments
through an array
performing a conversion on each byte of the array.
When this is simulated in modelsim it seems to convert all the data in the
array instantly,
how does this relate to the conversion it must be doing in the hardware!.