Thomas Reinemann
the following code generates an compile error in Modelsim. It complains
an "Incompatible types for assignment." error on the marked line,
see ====> <===.
Both the caller and called function have the same type and structure,
but belong to different libraries. Each function generates some Matlab
code. This has to be happen for the whole hierarchy. The call genetates
no error if both function belong to the same lib.
Function "pid_modal_delay" resides in pid_vg.pid_modal_pack.
library pid_vg;
library serelemente;
library ieee;
library sersupport;
use work.optimisation.all;
use std.textio.all;
use serelemente.basics.all;
use sersupport.general_units.all;
use work.basics.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use pid_vg.pid_modal_pack.all;
package body current_controller_struct_pack is
function current_controller_struct_delay
return zeile_rec_ret is
file outfile : text open write_mode is "current_controller_struct.m";
variable rtext : zeile_rec_ret := zeile_rec_ret'(null, null);
variable hd : zeile_ptr := zeile_ptr'(null);
variable letzer : zeile_ptr := zeile_ptr'(null);
-- General constants
constant current_set_d : integer := 0;
constant current_measured_d : integer := 0;
--constant index1 : integer := index + 1;
-- initiate sub instances code generation
*==> rtext := pid_modal_delay; <==========================*
-- Generating m function
add_line (rtext, "function [c]= current_controller_struct
add_line (rtext, "c=flat_matrix (c);");
hd := rtext.hd;
while hd /= null loop
letzer := hd;
writeline (outfile, hd.zeile);
hd := hd.nxt;
deallocate (letzer);
end loop;
rtext := zeile_rec_ret'(null, null);
return rtext;
end current_controller_struct_pack;
the following code generates an compile error in Modelsim. It complains
an "Incompatible types for assignment." error on the marked line,
see ====> <===.
Both the caller and called function have the same type and structure,
but belong to different libraries. Each function generates some Matlab
code. This has to be happen for the whole hierarchy. The call genetates
no error if both function belong to the same lib.
Function "pid_modal_delay" resides in pid_vg.pid_modal_pack.
library pid_vg;
library serelemente;
library ieee;
library sersupport;
use work.optimisation.all;
use std.textio.all;
use serelemente.basics.all;
use sersupport.general_units.all;
use work.basics.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use pid_vg.pid_modal_pack.all;
package body current_controller_struct_pack is
function current_controller_struct_delay
return zeile_rec_ret is
file outfile : text open write_mode is "current_controller_struct.m";
variable rtext : zeile_rec_ret := zeile_rec_ret'(null, null);
variable hd : zeile_ptr := zeile_ptr'(null);
variable letzer : zeile_ptr := zeile_ptr'(null);
-- General constants
constant current_set_d : integer := 0;
constant current_measured_d : integer := 0;
--constant index1 : integer := index + 1;
-- initiate sub instances code generation
*==> rtext := pid_modal_delay; <==========================*
-- Generating m function
add_line (rtext, "function [c]= current_controller_struct
add_line (rtext, "c=flat_matrix (c);");
hd := rtext.hd;
while hd /= null loop
letzer := hd;
writeline (outfile, hd.zeile);
hd := hd.nxt;
deallocate (letzer);
end loop;
rtext := zeile_rec_ret'(null, null);
return rtext;
end current_controller_struct_pack;