FUNAI VCR-5200 - refuses to eject tapes


Emanuele Girlando

Pressing the front panel "function" button the VCR powers up normally.
It loads the cassette normally. As soon as the loading is completed the
"tape" led on the front panel gets lit.
The VCR is now able to PLAY, FF, REW, REC, PAUSE and STOP normally.
It correctly senses tape end and beginning in PLAY, FF and REW.
During all those operations the tape led on the front panel stays lit as
expected (a tape is in).
Nothing happens depressing EJECT.
Cycling power nothing changes but the tape led doesn't come lit again as
expected (the tape is in!!) - probably because the microcontroller senses
some error condition.
I can get to this error state even just powering the unit up, loading a tape
and cycling power.
Checked lot of sensors. Power lines are all ok but the 45Volts that is
31Volts in standby and 28Volts when power is on with no ripple. The +17Volts
is also slightly out: 24Volts in standby and 20Volts when power is on but
with 3Volts p2p ripple in either cases. I don't know what these lines are
useful for, so I am not able to evaluate impacts of the strange voltages

Any help?
Thanks in advance / ciao.

Emanuele Girlando (IW1DHI)
(Remove GETRID. from my E-mail)
mirror at
Further investigations during this week end lead me to the end of stroke
sensor in the loading gear. It was badly bended and remained always closed.
Bending it in reverse direction cured the problem.
Thanks to all for reading.

Emanuele Girlando <> wrote in message
Pressing the front panel "function" button the VCR powers up normally.
It loads the cassette normally. As soon as the loading is completed the
"tape" led on the front panel gets lit.
The VCR is now able to PLAY, FF, REW, REC, PAUSE and STOP normally.
It correctly senses tape end and beginning in PLAY, FF and REW.
During all those operations the tape led on the front panel stays lit as
expected (a tape is in).
Nothing happens depressing EJECT.
Cycling power nothing changes but the tape led doesn't come lit again as
expected (the tape is in!!) - probably because the microcontroller senses
some error condition.
I can get to this error state even just powering the unit up, loading a
and cycling power.
Checked lot of sensors. Power lines are all ok but the 45Volts that is
31Volts in standby and 28Volts when power is on with no ripple. The
is also slightly out: 24Volts in standby and 20Volts when power is on but
with 3Volts p2p ripple in either cases. I don't know what these lines are
useful for, so I am not able to evaluate impacts of the strange voltages

Any help?
Thanks in advance / ciao.

Emanuele Girlando (IW1DHI)
(Remove GETRID. from my E-mail)
mirror at

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