A busy freeway lane (1/2 safe following distance) dissipates 2 MW
mechanical energy/mile/lane.
Now let's be complete morons and ignore the supply - demand curve for
oil and ignore Obama holding the Fed by the short hairs and pretend
fuel will stay at $2.50 gallon:
$2.50/gallon X 2,000 kW/mile / (13 kW-hr mechanical energy/gallon) =
$385/mile-hr = $3.2 million/mile-year for fuel.
If the cost of a power plant is $4/watt then the cost of the power
plant/mile is $8 million.
In other words, the fuel savings from electrification would pay for
the capital cost of the power plants in 2 1/2 years.
If you don't want to be a complete moron and assume crazy nonsense
then assume the price of fuel will be $5/ gallon before anyone even
has time to spread sheet the matter.
Then the system pays for the power plant in 14 months.
Before anyone even has time to set up a demo project the price of fuel
will be $10/gallon and electrification will pay for the power plants
in 7 months.
But spread sheeting isn't necessary to compare costs because we know
the cost of doing nothing is infinite.
Inaction ain't an option.
Bret Cahill
mechanical energy/mile/lane.
Now let's be complete morons and ignore the supply - demand curve for
oil and ignore Obama holding the Fed by the short hairs and pretend
fuel will stay at $2.50 gallon:
$2.50/gallon X 2,000 kW/mile / (13 kW-hr mechanical energy/gallon) =
$385/mile-hr = $3.2 million/mile-year for fuel.
If the cost of a power plant is $4/watt then the cost of the power
plant/mile is $8 million.
In other words, the fuel savings from electrification would pay for
the capital cost of the power plants in 2 1/2 years.
If you don't want to be a complete moron and assume crazy nonsense
then assume the price of fuel will be $5/ gallon before anyone even
has time to spread sheet the matter.
Then the system pays for the power plant in 14 months.
Before anyone even has time to set up a demo project the price of fuel
will be $10/gallon and electrification will pay for the power plants
in 7 months.
But spread sheeting isn't necessary to compare costs because we know
the cost of doing nothing is infinite.
Inaction ain't an option.
Bret Cahill