Books & software sale, Fairfax-GMU area, email: hydra5566 yahoo com
Books most in next to new condition, HC=Hard Cover, SC=Soft Cover
Books marked with # are $3, most are $5
except marked with * are $10 or otherwise:
==Computer Assisted Training for Novel, book sets with disks:
* Novell NetWare V3.11: System Manager, $50
* Novell NetWare V3.11: Advanced System Manager, $50
* Novell Networking Technologies, $50
* Windows NT 4.0 Interactive training, with CD, $40
* Introduction to computer organization and data structure:
PDP-11 Edition, Stone Siewiorek, HC, 368p, $30
* Machine and assembly language programming of the PDP-11,
Arthur Gill, HC, 191p, $30
* Dvorak's guide to PC telecommunications, SC, 1100p, $20
- Guide to Multimedia Networking, N. Cox, SC, 336p
* Digital Communication & Spread Spectrum System, Ziemer, HC, 750p
* Modern Electronic Communication, Miller, HC, 720p
==Computer Hardware
* Computer Aided Integrated Circuit Design, G.Herskowitz, HC, 432p
* Computer Engineering Hardware Design, M. Mano, HC, 434p, $10
* Computer Design & Architecture, S. Shiva, HC, 594p, $10
* Computer architecture & parallel processing, HC, 850p, $30
* Microprocessors Hardware & Applications, A. Veronis, HC, 928p
* Linear Control System Analysis and Design, J. Dazzo, HC, 906p, $10
* Linear Control Systems, J. Melsa - D. Schultz, HC, 621p, $10
* Automatic controls - principles of systems dynamics, HC, $10
- Dynamics of particle and rigid bodies, HC, $5
- University phisics-study guide, SC, $5
* The measurement of apperance, HC, $15
- Engineering graphics for design and analysis, HC, $5
- Commercial radio telephone license, HC, $5
* The theory of database concurrency control, HC, $20
* The theory of relational databases, HC, 640p, $25
- Principle of Database management, James Martin, HC, 352p
- Computer Database Organization, James Martin, HC, 713p
- Principles of Pictoral Information System Design, Chang, HC, 369p
- Principles of Relational Database Systems, S. Mittra, HC, 323p
- Principles of Database Systems, J. Ullman, HC, 379p
- Relational Database Design w/ Microcomputer Applications,
G. Jackson, HC, 209p
- Database Management, W. House, HC, 470p
- Database Security and Integrity, E. Fernandez-C. Wood, HC, 320p
- Dbase Instant Reference, A. Simpson, SC, 421p
- Data types and structures, C.Gotlieb, HC, 444p
* File Organization for Database Design, G. Wiederhold, HC, 619p, $10
* The Theory of Database Concurrency Control, Papadimitriou, HC, 239p
==General Computer Science
- Writting Better Computer User Documentation, Brockmann, HC, 289p
- Human Factors in Engineering and Design, M. Sanders, HC, 664p
- Practical Systems and Procedures Manual, J. Duyn, HC, 218p
- Designing the User Interface, B. Shneiderman, HC, 448p
- The Power of User's Manual, R. Kottwitz, SC, 162p
- Engineering Economics, E. Degarmo, HC, 576p
- Engineering Economy, G. Thuesen, HC, 633p
* Microprocessors hardware and applications, HC, $20
* Handbook of Software Engineering,C.Vick-C.Rawamoorthy,HC,683p, $25
- Elements of computer programming, HC
- Guide to Info Engineering Using IEF, Texas Instrument, HC, 450p
- Rapid System Development, C. Gane, HC, 200p
- Computer Based Training, G. Kearsley, HC, 204p
- Application Prototyping, B. Boar, HC, 210p
- Interactive Dynamic System Simulation, G. Korn, HC, 194p
- Object Oriented Development, D. Coleman - P. Arnold, HC, 313p
- Research Direction in Object-Oriented Programming, B.Shriver, HC, 585p
- CASE IS Software Automation, C. McClure, HC, 290p
- Principles of Software Engineering and Design, M. Zelkowitz, HC, 338p
- Computer Graphics Programming, Springer - Verlag, HC, 651p
- Error Control Coding & Applications, Wiggert, HC, 203p, $5
- A Concise Introduction to Logic, Hurley, HC, 657p
* Priciple of scientific coaching-competitive sports, HC, $10
* Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, HC, 1530p, $10
- Roget's II New Thesaurus, HC, 1072p, $5
- Cockpit Resources Management, E. Wiener, HC, 519p
- Digital Avionics Systems, Spitzer, HC, 277p, $5
- The Almanac of World Military Power, T. Dupuy, HC, 418p
* Manual of Remote Sensing, Vol-I, R. Reeves, HC, 867p, $10
* Manual of Remote Sensing, Vol-II, R. Reeves, HC, 2144p, $10
- Digital Design for Interference Specifications, Keenan, HC, 250p
- Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Electromagnetic Devices,
Elsevier, HC, 497p
==Software application and How-to manuals
# Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, how to use it, SC, J. Moran, 200p
# Aldus Free Hand, N. Vick, SC, 334p
# Real World Pagemaker 4, O. Kvern - S. Roth, SC, 381p
# Dr. MacIntosh, B. Levitus, SC, 341p
# The ABC of 123 Rel-2.2, C. Gilbert, SC, 340p
# Wordperfect 5, D. Will-Harris, SC, 476p
# Mastering WordPerfect 5.1, Simpson, SC, 1050p
# Mastering WordPerfect 5.1 & 5.2 for Windows, Simpson, SC, 1200p
* PostScript Language Ref Manual, 2nd Ed, Adobe, SC, 764p, $15
* PostScript Language Turorial & Coolbook, Adobe, SC, 243p, $10
# Photoshop for Mac2.5, E. Weinmann - P. Lourekas, SC, 245p
# Color Publishing on the Mac, K. Baker, SC, 479p
# Using Wordperfect, Mac Version, R. Blodgett, SC, 560p
# Using Novel Netware 286&386, Lawrence, SC, 734p
# Using Quickbasic 4, P. Feldman, SC, 713p
# Using Quattro Pro 6 for Windows, Special Ed, SC, 900p
# Using Paradox 5 for Windows, Special Ed, SC, 1202p
# Using 123 Rel 2, LeBlond Cobb, SC, 540p
# Using Wordperfect, Mac Version, R. Blodgett, SC, 560p
# Quattro Pro 6 for Windows for Dummies, Walkenback, SC, 390p
# Paradox 5 for Windows for Dummies, J. Kaufeld, SC, 330p
# WordPerfect 6.1 for Dummies, Y. Kay, SC, 408p
==Programming Languages
* Data Abstraction Object Oriented Programming in C++, SC, 403p, $15
* Object Oriented Programming in C++, R.Johnsonbaugh, SC, 547p, $15
* Application Programming in C, R. Johnsonbaugh, SC, 806p, $20
* Reliable Data Structure in C, T. Plum, SC, 350p, $15
* Topics in C Programming, S. Kochaw, SC, 520p, $15
* C a Refence Manual, S. Harbison, SC, 404p, $10
* Advanced C Tips & Techniques, SC, 450p, $15
* C programmer's guide to netbio, SC, $10
* The C++ programming language, B. Stroustrup, SC, 686p, $20
- C an advanced introduction, HC, $5
- Advanced C, P. Anderson, SC, 446p, $5
* C++ primer plus, SC, $15
- Understanding C, SC, $5
- Structured Cobol Programming, S. Stern, SC, 571p
- Data Abstraction and program development using Modula-2,
R. Hille, HC, 296p
- Datafile programming in basic, SC, $5
* Software engineering with ADA, SC, $15
* ADA practicioner's guide, HC, $20
* Fundamentals of Data Structures in Pascal, Horowitz, HC, 542p, $20
- An Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving with Pascal,
G. Schneider, HC, 468p
* Designing Pascal Solutions, M. Clancy, SC, 448p, $10
- Data Structures Using Pascal, A. Tenenbaum, HC, 774p
* Advanced Turbo Pascal, H. Schildt, SC, 331p, $10
- A Primer on Pascal, R. Convey, HC, 433p
- Pascal, N. Dale - C. Weems, SC, 825p
- Oh! Pascal! 2ed, Cooper & Clancy, SC, 609p
- Fundamental of Programming, intro using C++, Halterman, SC, 421p
==Expert Systems & Artificial Intelligence
- Expert Systems for Software Engineers and Managers, S.Hu, HC, 291p
- Expert Systems: The user interface, J. Hendler, HC, 324p
- Expert systems, P. Harmon, HC, 283p
- Expert Systems with Turbo C, F. Holtz, SC, 208p
- Expert System Technology, R. Keller, SC, 246p
- Building Expert Systems, Hayes-Roth & Waterman & Lenat, HC, 445p
- Programming Expert Systems in OPS5, Brownston & Farrell, HC, 471p
* Expert systems-tools and applications, HC, $20
* Artificial intelligence 2nd Ed, P.H. Winston, HC, 530p, $20
- Artificial Intelligence & Instruction, G. Kearsley, HC, 351p
- Artificial Intelligence & Human Learning, J. Self, SC, 432p
- Artificial Intelligence & Design of Expert Systems, G.Lugar, HC, 660p
- Intro to Artificial Intelligence, R. Jackson, SC, 453p
* The elements of artificial intelligence, HC, 525p, $25
- Intelligent Turoring Systems, J. Psutka, SC, 552p
- The AI Business, Winston & Prendergast, HC, 324p
* Introduction to Natural Language Processing, HC, 370p, $20
* The Characteristics of Parallel Algorithms, Jamieson, HC, 440p, $20
* The Art of Prolog, HC, 440p, $20
* Common Lisp, SC, $20
- Simulation Modeling and Simnet, H. Taha, HC, 397p
- Managing Information, J. Diebold, HC, 131p
==Operating System
* The MS-DOS Encyclopedia, HC, big thick book (+3" thick), $50
* Operating system design-the xinu approach, HC, $20
* Operating systems, Madnick Donovan, HC, 640p
* Ranade's OS/2 extended edition, SC, $15
* Windows NT 4.0 Interactive training, with CD, $40
- Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, how to use it, SC, J. Moran, 200p
* Open look graphical user interface application style guide, SC, $10
* X Windows system programming & application w/ Xt open look, SC, $20
* The X Windows system programming & application with Xt, SC, $20
* Open look graphical user interface functional spec, SC, $15
- Introduction to the X-window system, O.Jones, SC, 511p
* Tool book companion, SC, $15
* Using open script, SC, $10
* Using tool book, SC, $15
- Principles of marketing the management view, HC, $5
- Marketing planning and strategy, HC, $5
- Principles of marketing, HC, $5
# A man's guide to business and social success, James, HC, 388p
# What color is your parachute, SC, $2
- The leadership challenge, Kouzes & Posner, SC, 362p, $5
# The systems approach, SC, $2
- A modern introduction to college mathematics, HC, $5
- Essential business mathematics, HC, $5
* Business mathematics, HC, $10
# Business mathematics, SC, $2
* Modern developments in investment management, SC, $10
- Corporate strategy and product innovation, HC, $5
* Business policy text and cases, HC, $10
# Business law-teachers manual, SC
# Business law-text and cases, SC
# Modern business letters, HC
* Business today 3, HC, $10
- Economic policy, HC, $5
- Our modern banking and monetary system, HC, $5
- Principle of bank operation, HC, $5
# Financial accounting-study guide, SC
# Elementary accounting volume 1, SC
# Elementary accounting volume 2, SC
* Intermediate accounting, HC, $10
- Accounting principles, HC, $5
- Accounting, SC, $5
- Modern Method Quality Control & Improvement, H.Wadsworth, HC, 689p
- I know it when I see it, about quality, J. Guaspari, HC, 78p
- Quality Technician's Handbook, G. Griffin, HC, 528p
- Consultative Selling, M. Hanan, HC, 290p
- Strategic Planning for Technology, P. Sherman, HC, 304p
- The Failure of Success, A. Marrow, HC, 339p
- The Achievers Profile, A. Cox, HC, 324p
- Marketer's guide to public relations, T. Harris, HC, 306p
- Organazational Behavior, F. Luthans, HC, 680p
- ROI Basics for non-financial executives, A. Sweeny, HC, 115p
- No-nonsense delegation, D. McConkey, HC, 228p
- Megatrends, J. Naisbitt, HC, 290p
- Crisis Management, S. Fink, HC, 245p
- Smart Bargaining, J. Graham, HC, 165p
- Tough-minded leadership, J. Batten, HC, 236p
- Principles of Management, L. Kazmier, SC, 382p
- The Deming Management Methods, W. Deming, SC, 262p
- Outperformers, M. Hanan, HC, 161p
- Project Management Operating Guidelines, H. Kerzner, HC, 501p
- Vision in Action, B. Tregoe, SC, 223p
- Managing Compensation, J. Berg, HC, 250p
- Analyzing Jobs & Tasks, K. Carlisle, HC, 221p
- Competitive Strategy, M. Porter, HC, 396p
- Management of Organizational Behavior, P. Hersey, SC, 536p
- Managing Corporate Culture, S. Davis, HC, 123p
- The Change Masters, R. Kanter, HC, 432p
- The Making of Decisions, W. Gore, HC, 440p
- Zero Base Budgeting, P. Pyhrr, HC, 231p
- Manual of Styles, Univ. Chicago, HC, 738p
- In Search of Excellence, T. Peters, HC, 360p
- International Business Guide, C. Valentine, HC, 257p
- Changing Ways, M. Dalziel, HC, 165p
- Management of Organizational Behavior, K. Blanchard, SC. 209p
- Behavioral Assessment, A Handbook, Bellack, HC, 671p, $5
- Maintaining Momentum in Long-Range Planing, M. Kastens, HC, 178p
- Management, J. Stoner, SC, 282p
- High Output Management, A. Grove, HC, 235p
- The Renewal Factor, R. Waterman, HC, 338p
- Manpower Planning Models, R. Grinold, HC, 267p
- The Managers Job, J. Hayes, HC, 167p
- The Human Nature of Organazation, J. Brown, HC, 168p
- Social Style/Management Style, R. Bolton, HC, 171p
- Strategy & Policy, D. Bates, HC, 460p
- A Passion for Excellence, T. Peters, HC, 437p
- Management by Objective II, G. Odiorne, HC, 360p
- The Inner Game of Management, E. Flamholtz, HC, 225p
- The Effective Executive, P. Drucker, HC, 178p
- The Evolution of Management Thought, D. Wren, HC, 556p
- Manager's Guide to Participative Management, M. Sashkin, SC, 94p
- Bill Gates and Microsoft, S. Manes, HC, 534p
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Books most in next to new condition, HC=Hard Cover, SC=Soft Cover
Books marked with # are $3, most are $5
except marked with * are $10 or otherwise:
==Computer Assisted Training for Novel, book sets with disks:
* Novell NetWare V3.11: System Manager, $50
* Novell NetWare V3.11: Advanced System Manager, $50
* Novell Networking Technologies, $50
* Windows NT 4.0 Interactive training, with CD, $40
* Introduction to computer organization and data structure:
PDP-11 Edition, Stone Siewiorek, HC, 368p, $30
* Machine and assembly language programming of the PDP-11,
Arthur Gill, HC, 191p, $30
* Dvorak's guide to PC telecommunications, SC, 1100p, $20
- Guide to Multimedia Networking, N. Cox, SC, 336p
* Digital Communication & Spread Spectrum System, Ziemer, HC, 750p
* Modern Electronic Communication, Miller, HC, 720p
==Computer Hardware
* Computer Aided Integrated Circuit Design, G.Herskowitz, HC, 432p
* Computer Engineering Hardware Design, M. Mano, HC, 434p, $10
* Computer Design & Architecture, S. Shiva, HC, 594p, $10
* Computer architecture & parallel processing, HC, 850p, $30
* Microprocessors Hardware & Applications, A. Veronis, HC, 928p
* Linear Control System Analysis and Design, J. Dazzo, HC, 906p, $10
* Linear Control Systems, J. Melsa - D. Schultz, HC, 621p, $10
* Automatic controls - principles of systems dynamics, HC, $10
- Dynamics of particle and rigid bodies, HC, $5
- University phisics-study guide, SC, $5
* The measurement of apperance, HC, $15
- Engineering graphics for design and analysis, HC, $5
- Commercial radio telephone license, HC, $5
* The theory of database concurrency control, HC, $20
* The theory of relational databases, HC, 640p, $25
- Principle of Database management, James Martin, HC, 352p
- Computer Database Organization, James Martin, HC, 713p
- Principles of Pictoral Information System Design, Chang, HC, 369p
- Principles of Relational Database Systems, S. Mittra, HC, 323p
- Principles of Database Systems, J. Ullman, HC, 379p
- Relational Database Design w/ Microcomputer Applications,
G. Jackson, HC, 209p
- Database Management, W. House, HC, 470p
- Database Security and Integrity, E. Fernandez-C. Wood, HC, 320p
- Dbase Instant Reference, A. Simpson, SC, 421p
- Data types and structures, C.Gotlieb, HC, 444p
* File Organization for Database Design, G. Wiederhold, HC, 619p, $10
* The Theory of Database Concurrency Control, Papadimitriou, HC, 239p
==General Computer Science
- Writting Better Computer User Documentation, Brockmann, HC, 289p
- Human Factors in Engineering and Design, M. Sanders, HC, 664p
- Practical Systems and Procedures Manual, J. Duyn, HC, 218p
- Designing the User Interface, B. Shneiderman, HC, 448p
- The Power of User's Manual, R. Kottwitz, SC, 162p
- Engineering Economics, E. Degarmo, HC, 576p
- Engineering Economy, G. Thuesen, HC, 633p
* Microprocessors hardware and applications, HC, $20
* Handbook of Software Engineering,C.Vick-C.Rawamoorthy,HC,683p, $25
- Elements of computer programming, HC
- Guide to Info Engineering Using IEF, Texas Instrument, HC, 450p
- Rapid System Development, C. Gane, HC, 200p
- Computer Based Training, G. Kearsley, HC, 204p
- Application Prototyping, B. Boar, HC, 210p
- Interactive Dynamic System Simulation, G. Korn, HC, 194p
- Object Oriented Development, D. Coleman - P. Arnold, HC, 313p
- Research Direction in Object-Oriented Programming, B.Shriver, HC, 585p
- CASE IS Software Automation, C. McClure, HC, 290p
- Principles of Software Engineering and Design, M. Zelkowitz, HC, 338p
- Computer Graphics Programming, Springer - Verlag, HC, 651p
- Error Control Coding & Applications, Wiggert, HC, 203p, $5
- A Concise Introduction to Logic, Hurley, HC, 657p
* Priciple of scientific coaching-competitive sports, HC, $10
* Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, HC, 1530p, $10
- Roget's II New Thesaurus, HC, 1072p, $5
- Cockpit Resources Management, E. Wiener, HC, 519p
- Digital Avionics Systems, Spitzer, HC, 277p, $5
- The Almanac of World Military Power, T. Dupuy, HC, 418p
* Manual of Remote Sensing, Vol-I, R. Reeves, HC, 867p, $10
* Manual of Remote Sensing, Vol-II, R. Reeves, HC, 2144p, $10
- Digital Design for Interference Specifications, Keenan, HC, 250p
- Computer Aided Analysis and Design of Electromagnetic Devices,
Elsevier, HC, 497p
==Software application and How-to manuals
# Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, how to use it, SC, J. Moran, 200p
# Aldus Free Hand, N. Vick, SC, 334p
# Real World Pagemaker 4, O. Kvern - S. Roth, SC, 381p
# Dr. MacIntosh, B. Levitus, SC, 341p
# The ABC of 123 Rel-2.2, C. Gilbert, SC, 340p
# Wordperfect 5, D. Will-Harris, SC, 476p
# Mastering WordPerfect 5.1, Simpson, SC, 1050p
# Mastering WordPerfect 5.1 & 5.2 for Windows, Simpson, SC, 1200p
* PostScript Language Ref Manual, 2nd Ed, Adobe, SC, 764p, $15
* PostScript Language Turorial & Coolbook, Adobe, SC, 243p, $10
# Photoshop for Mac2.5, E. Weinmann - P. Lourekas, SC, 245p
# Color Publishing on the Mac, K. Baker, SC, 479p
# Using Wordperfect, Mac Version, R. Blodgett, SC, 560p
# Using Novel Netware 286&386, Lawrence, SC, 734p
# Using Quickbasic 4, P. Feldman, SC, 713p
# Using Quattro Pro 6 for Windows, Special Ed, SC, 900p
# Using Paradox 5 for Windows, Special Ed, SC, 1202p
# Using 123 Rel 2, LeBlond Cobb, SC, 540p
# Using Wordperfect, Mac Version, R. Blodgett, SC, 560p
# Quattro Pro 6 for Windows for Dummies, Walkenback, SC, 390p
# Paradox 5 for Windows for Dummies, J. Kaufeld, SC, 330p
# WordPerfect 6.1 for Dummies, Y. Kay, SC, 408p
==Programming Languages
* Data Abstraction Object Oriented Programming in C++, SC, 403p, $15
* Object Oriented Programming in C++, R.Johnsonbaugh, SC, 547p, $15
* Application Programming in C, R. Johnsonbaugh, SC, 806p, $20
* Reliable Data Structure in C, T. Plum, SC, 350p, $15
* Topics in C Programming, S. Kochaw, SC, 520p, $15
* C a Refence Manual, S. Harbison, SC, 404p, $10
* Advanced C Tips & Techniques, SC, 450p, $15
* C programmer's guide to netbio, SC, $10
* The C++ programming language, B. Stroustrup, SC, 686p, $20
- C an advanced introduction, HC, $5
- Advanced C, P. Anderson, SC, 446p, $5
* C++ primer plus, SC, $15
- Understanding C, SC, $5
- Structured Cobol Programming, S. Stern, SC, 571p
- Data Abstraction and program development using Modula-2,
R. Hille, HC, 296p
- Datafile programming in basic, SC, $5
* Software engineering with ADA, SC, $15
* ADA practicioner's guide, HC, $20
* Fundamentals of Data Structures in Pascal, Horowitz, HC, 542p, $20
- An Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving with Pascal,
G. Schneider, HC, 468p
* Designing Pascal Solutions, M. Clancy, SC, 448p, $10
- Data Structures Using Pascal, A. Tenenbaum, HC, 774p
* Advanced Turbo Pascal, H. Schildt, SC, 331p, $10
- A Primer on Pascal, R. Convey, HC, 433p
- Pascal, N. Dale - C. Weems, SC, 825p
- Oh! Pascal! 2ed, Cooper & Clancy, SC, 609p
- Fundamental of Programming, intro using C++, Halterman, SC, 421p
==Expert Systems & Artificial Intelligence
- Expert Systems for Software Engineers and Managers, S.Hu, HC, 291p
- Expert Systems: The user interface, J. Hendler, HC, 324p
- Expert systems, P. Harmon, HC, 283p
- Expert Systems with Turbo C, F. Holtz, SC, 208p
- Expert System Technology, R. Keller, SC, 246p
- Building Expert Systems, Hayes-Roth & Waterman & Lenat, HC, 445p
- Programming Expert Systems in OPS5, Brownston & Farrell, HC, 471p
* Expert systems-tools and applications, HC, $20
* Artificial intelligence 2nd Ed, P.H. Winston, HC, 530p, $20
- Artificial Intelligence & Instruction, G. Kearsley, HC, 351p
- Artificial Intelligence & Human Learning, J. Self, SC, 432p
- Artificial Intelligence & Design of Expert Systems, G.Lugar, HC, 660p
- Intro to Artificial Intelligence, R. Jackson, SC, 453p
* The elements of artificial intelligence, HC, 525p, $25
- Intelligent Turoring Systems, J. Psutka, SC, 552p
- The AI Business, Winston & Prendergast, HC, 324p
* Introduction to Natural Language Processing, HC, 370p, $20
* The Characteristics of Parallel Algorithms, Jamieson, HC, 440p, $20
* The Art of Prolog, HC, 440p, $20
* Common Lisp, SC, $20
- Simulation Modeling and Simnet, H. Taha, HC, 397p
- Managing Information, J. Diebold, HC, 131p
==Operating System
* The MS-DOS Encyclopedia, HC, big thick book (+3" thick), $50
* Operating system design-the xinu approach, HC, $20
* Operating systems, Madnick Donovan, HC, 640p
* Ranade's OS/2 extended edition, SC, $15
* Windows NT 4.0 Interactive training, with CD, $40
- Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, how to use it, SC, J. Moran, 200p
* Open look graphical user interface application style guide, SC, $10
* X Windows system programming & application w/ Xt open look, SC, $20
* The X Windows system programming & application with Xt, SC, $20
* Open look graphical user interface functional spec, SC, $15
- Introduction to the X-window system, O.Jones, SC, 511p
* Tool book companion, SC, $15
* Using open script, SC, $10
* Using tool book, SC, $15
- Principles of marketing the management view, HC, $5
- Marketing planning and strategy, HC, $5
- Principles of marketing, HC, $5
# A man's guide to business and social success, James, HC, 388p
# What color is your parachute, SC, $2
- The leadership challenge, Kouzes & Posner, SC, 362p, $5
# The systems approach, SC, $2
- A modern introduction to college mathematics, HC, $5
- Essential business mathematics, HC, $5
* Business mathematics, HC, $10
# Business mathematics, SC, $2
* Modern developments in investment management, SC, $10
- Corporate strategy and product innovation, HC, $5
* Business policy text and cases, HC, $10
# Business law-teachers manual, SC
# Business law-text and cases, SC
# Modern business letters, HC
* Business today 3, HC, $10
- Economic policy, HC, $5
- Our modern banking and monetary system, HC, $5
- Principle of bank operation, HC, $5
# Financial accounting-study guide, SC
# Elementary accounting volume 1, SC
# Elementary accounting volume 2, SC
* Intermediate accounting, HC, $10
- Accounting principles, HC, $5
- Accounting, SC, $5
- Modern Method Quality Control & Improvement, H.Wadsworth, HC, 689p
- I know it when I see it, about quality, J. Guaspari, HC, 78p
- Quality Technician's Handbook, G. Griffin, HC, 528p
- Consultative Selling, M. Hanan, HC, 290p
- Strategic Planning for Technology, P. Sherman, HC, 304p
- The Failure of Success, A. Marrow, HC, 339p
- The Achievers Profile, A. Cox, HC, 324p
- Marketer's guide to public relations, T. Harris, HC, 306p
- Organazational Behavior, F. Luthans, HC, 680p
- ROI Basics for non-financial executives, A. Sweeny, HC, 115p
- No-nonsense delegation, D. McConkey, HC, 228p
- Megatrends, J. Naisbitt, HC, 290p
- Crisis Management, S. Fink, HC, 245p
- Smart Bargaining, J. Graham, HC, 165p
- Tough-minded leadership, J. Batten, HC, 236p
- Principles of Management, L. Kazmier, SC, 382p
- The Deming Management Methods, W. Deming, SC, 262p
- Outperformers, M. Hanan, HC, 161p
- Project Management Operating Guidelines, H. Kerzner, HC, 501p
- Vision in Action, B. Tregoe, SC, 223p
- Managing Compensation, J. Berg, HC, 250p
- Analyzing Jobs & Tasks, K. Carlisle, HC, 221p
- Competitive Strategy, M. Porter, HC, 396p
- Management of Organizational Behavior, P. Hersey, SC, 536p
- Managing Corporate Culture, S. Davis, HC, 123p
- The Change Masters, R. Kanter, HC, 432p
- The Making of Decisions, W. Gore, HC, 440p
- Zero Base Budgeting, P. Pyhrr, HC, 231p
- Manual of Styles, Univ. Chicago, HC, 738p
- In Search of Excellence, T. Peters, HC, 360p
- International Business Guide, C. Valentine, HC, 257p
- Changing Ways, M. Dalziel, HC, 165p
- Management of Organizational Behavior, K. Blanchard, SC. 209p
- Behavioral Assessment, A Handbook, Bellack, HC, 671p, $5
- Maintaining Momentum in Long-Range Planing, M. Kastens, HC, 178p
- Management, J. Stoner, SC, 282p
- High Output Management, A. Grove, HC, 235p
- The Renewal Factor, R. Waterman, HC, 338p
- Manpower Planning Models, R. Grinold, HC, 267p
- The Managers Job, J. Hayes, HC, 167p
- The Human Nature of Organazation, J. Brown, HC, 168p
- Social Style/Management Style, R. Bolton, HC, 171p
- Strategy & Policy, D. Bates, HC, 460p
- A Passion for Excellence, T. Peters, HC, 437p
- Management by Objective II, G. Odiorne, HC, 360p
- The Inner Game of Management, E. Flamholtz, HC, 225p
- The Effective Executive, P. Drucker, HC, 178p
- The Evolution of Management Thought, D. Wren, HC, 556p
- Manager's Guide to Participative Management, M. Sashkin, SC, 94p
- Bill Gates and Microsoft, S. Manes, HC, 534p
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