I have the following manuals for sale...
HP-85B full set of 7 manuals - email me for the names of the manuals. $35
USD + shipping
AN/PSM-37 multimeter Operation & maintenance instructions manual $10 USD +
Anritsu Model MS2670A Spectrum Analyzer operation manual Vol 1 & 2. Two
copies of each. $45 USD each + shipping.
Bird RF directional Thruline wattmeter model 43 Operating instructions.
$5.00 USD + shipping
Fluke 8025B multimeter instruction manual. 3 copies of each. $5.00 USD each
+ shipping.
HP 333A/334A Distortion Analyzer operating and service manual. $20 USD +
HP 3586A/B/C Selective Level meter operating manual. $25 USD each +
shipping. 3 copies of each.
HP 3046A/B Selective level measuring system Operating manual. $25 USD +
HP 3336A Synthesizer/Level generator Service manual. $45 USD + shipping
AN/PSM-1A & 2A Insulation test sets (navship 91608C) Holtzer-cabot division.
$5 USD each + shipping. 2 copies
AN/PSM-25 insulation breakdown test set technical manual. $5 USD + shipping
email me @ cowboy67ATcasscommDOTcom
ebay ID: cowboy671
HP-85B full set of 7 manuals - email me for the names of the manuals. $35
USD + shipping
AN/PSM-37 multimeter Operation & maintenance instructions manual $10 USD +
Anritsu Model MS2670A Spectrum Analyzer operation manual Vol 1 & 2. Two
copies of each. $45 USD each + shipping.
Bird RF directional Thruline wattmeter model 43 Operating instructions.
$5.00 USD + shipping
Fluke 8025B multimeter instruction manual. 3 copies of each. $5.00 USD each
+ shipping.
HP 333A/334A Distortion Analyzer operating and service manual. $20 USD +
HP 3586A/B/C Selective Level meter operating manual. $25 USD each +
shipping. 3 copies of each.
HP 3046A/B Selective level measuring system Operating manual. $25 USD +
HP 3336A Synthesizer/Level generator Service manual. $45 USD + shipping
AN/PSM-1A & 2A Insulation test sets (navship 91608C) Holtzer-cabot division.
$5 USD each + shipping. 2 copies
AN/PSM-25 insulation breakdown test set technical manual. $5 USD + shipping
email me @ cowboy67ATcasscommDOTcom
ebay ID: cowboy671