Posted on Ebay, item# 330332840727 Goto www.ebay.com & enter this
item# 330332840727 into search window (or item# window); BUY NOW
OPTION is AVAILABLE, i.e. NO need to wait for Auction ending.
Reply either here or via Ebay; but note: I can only take Ebay listing
off to sell privately if there're NO bids currently & if Ebay permits.
If you're one of those who still have no idea of Ebay, we can simply
wait until listing expires (a few days) so I will sell thru
PLEASE - read description on Ebay, do NOT need an account to read
postings there (just enter item# in search window)
Here'is a rough copy of it, but it's best to see Ebay ad.

Car & Air Adapter for IBM/Lenovo (Thinkpads); or ANY 16Volt (upto
60Watt power out) powered laptops using a similar DC plug end
connecting to laptop. The other end plugs into standard 12Volt car
outlets + Airplane adapter is also included (shown on other photos, as
explained below).
NEW (never used) but I've misplaced original box (carton), been stored
in my garage. Reason to sell: I switched to HP laptops shortly
afterwards, and my large CAD/Engineering workstation-type of laptops
use a different voltage & plug. Whether your laptop accepts 16Volt &
what power/current is upto you to check - you may simply look at your
current AC adapter's labeling and if it's a similar voltage, and equal
or LESS power output, then this adapter will also fit. Note: you
cannot damage modern laptops with a wrong DC power, there're several
protection circuits, unless that DC power is immensely high & fast
acting spike.
Or Google for this part#: SYD1109-6016

http://photos.starium.org --> select Gallery (folder) --> "Computer
parts & supply".

What is the reason to use such adapters? Because the alternative
(besides risk of battery running out when you travel) is a car DC-AC
adapter into which your normal laptop AC adapter may plug.
However in this case you end up hauling TWO adapters (DC-AC, AC-DC),
paying far more than 10-15 dollars I am asking, and DC quality out of
such double-conversion might be less than out of DC-DC; though it
depends on design. In any case it will be bulkier and costlier than a
single Car & Air adapter, like the one posted here. I cannot use for
my CAD HP laptop, but if anyone is using IBM, etc 16Volt laptops, it's
a good adapter; hence selling. The only complain I'd have is that DC
cable is a bit rigid (fat) but that's to carry high current, so
electrically it's reasonable.
Tech specs:

Sunny ComputerTechnology, Ltd
Input: 10-15 VDC (can be pulsating/"dirty")
Output: 16 VDC, 3.75A (cleaner) standard IBM or other laptops plug
(round, see photo).
Power output (max): 60 Watt
Load regulation: +/-5%
Protections: output short-circuit, safety current limiting, under &
overvoltage, internal temperature limiter, automatic reset after
abnormal conditions listed earlier are returned to normal
Weight: 5.29 ounces
Dimensions: 106.5 x 50 x 32.5 MILLIMETERS

CE/FCC Safety Regulations compliant.
Also was marketed by IBM/Lenovo awhile ago.
Personal note: if your car is cheap & missing Battery monitor, and you
get carried away working on a laptop plugged into car 12Volt outlet;
just don't forget to run engine occasionally to re-charge it in case
your laptop happens to be power-hungry, though laptops today are VERY
LOW POWER consuming devices; so maybe it's an excessive precaution.
Also as I said Airplane adapter plug is included, see
On Mon, 25 May 2009 13:44:08 -0700 (PDT), StanStar@nyc.rr.com wrote:

Posted on Ebay, item# 330332899999 Goto www.ebay.com & enter this
item# 3302345234234332840727 into

SPAM reported to eBay...
Stars@nyc.rr.com wrote:
This is an Electronics-related Group.

And their charters do not say they are for ebay spam.

news:misc.industry.electronics.marketplace was created for sale of
electronic equipment.

news:sci.electronics.components and news:sci.electronics.repair weren't.

A DC-to-DC adapter is possible to list either on computer or
electornics boards, it's not purely a Computer accessory.
Matter of fact, I could even list it on Automotive groups--
But regardless of automotive, Electronics group can have it.

Also if it wasn't for me, who else is posting.
You do want Groups to stagnate and discuss porn, politics, sports, etc
rubbish instead of technical stuff?
This adapter is FREE, I think it's a service for a community. I only
charge for shipping $6, plus 2 dollars fo rlistin gon Ebay.

ALso you started to annoy me, Peter Dishonest, one more time and I
will report YOU.

Report me, too, moron. I forwarded it, with full headers to:
abuse@rr.com and groups-abuse@google.com which will get more results
that a report to Ebay.


-------- Original Message --------
From: StanStar@nyc.rr.com
WORKS w/ANY LAPTOP (16VDC, 60W, this plug); part# SYD1109-6016
(thirdparty, not IBM).
Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 13:44:08 -0700 (PDT)
Organization: http://groups.google.com
Lines: 72
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Trace: posting.google.com 1243284248 19037 (25 May 2009
20:44:08 GMT)
X-Complaints-To: groups-abuse@google.com
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 20:44:08 +0000 (UTC)
Complaints-To: groups-abuse@google.com
Injection-Info: r34g2000vba.googlegroups.com; posting-host=;
User-Agent: G2/1.0
X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1;
..NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; .NET CLR
2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30),gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)
Bytes: 5205
Xref: number.nntp.dca.giganews.com sci.electronics.components:154584
pa.forsale:67710 nyc.general:264045 sci.electronics.repair:518776


And in case you didn't know, when I get to thigns I
get them done really well. I will report your ass for persistent
stalking and annoyance.
I am not posting trash, but a legitimate piece of electronics.

You need a job better than reading who posts what on Newsgroups, are
you retired, retarded or a spiteful idiot teenager with excess free
time on hands?
You should record what Rush Limbaugh says every day and report to
Nansy Pelosi daily.

Stick your crap back in the dumpster and stop spamming, asshole. Take
Limbaugh with you, moron. Yopu idiots need to flock together so you can
convince ecahother how smart you are.

You can't have a sense of humor, if you have no sense!
This is an Electronics-related Group.
A DC-to-DC adapter is possible to list either on computer or
electornics boards, it's not purely a Computer accessory.
Matter of fact, I could even list it on Automotive groups--
But regardless of automotive, Electronics group can have it.

Also if it wasn't for me, who else is posting.
You do want Groups to stagnate and discuss porn, politics, sports, etc
rubbish instead of technical stuff?
This adapter is FREE, I think it's a service for a community. I only
charge for shipping $6, plus 2 dollars fo rlistin gon Ebay.

ALso you started to annoy me, Peter Dishonest, one more time and I
will report YOU. And in case you didn't know, when I get to thigns I
get them done really well. I will report your ass for persistent
stalking and annoyance.
I am not posting trash, but a legitimate piece of electronics.

You need a job better than reading who posts what on Newsgroups, are
you retired, retarded or a spiteful idiot teenager with excess free
time on hands?
You should record what Rush Limbaugh says every day and report to
Nansy Pelosi daily.
Dear Michaeil,

We found misc.industry.electronics.marketplace
As of cartridges, they were sold yesterday!! Thanks for kepping this
topic alive.

Say hellow to Jerry.
Stars@nyc.rr.com wrote:
This is an Electronics-related Group.
It's not here for you to sell your shit, idiot.

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
The fate of the moon in the Holy Quran and science

By Magdy Abd AL-Shafy

I would be thankful if you give my article 5 minute of your
value time. THANK YOU

Modern astrophysics , depending on accurate calculations , says that
both the moon and the sun will be joined someday . The Holy Quran , in
reference to the Doomsday , stresses the same fact .

Here is an article from Nasa that explains how all it will begin : the
study says " Our Sun is made up of more than billions and billons of
tons of matter. As a result, all of that matter produces a huge amount
of gravitational force that squeezes the star more and more inward. In
order to combat the inward crush from the gravitational force, The
Sunutilizes fusion power to hold themselves up. At the Sun’s core,
where the crush is most extreme, Hydrogen nuclei are repeatedly pushed
together and combined to form Helium. A small amount of energy is
given up in these fusion reactions. The newly formed energy flows
outward toward the Sun’s surface heating the outer layers in the
process and puffing the Sun up to counteract the inward force of
gravity. According to scientists, as long as the Hydrogen fusion
reactions are functioning as they have in the past, the Sun is safe
from gravity and can continue to serve as a source of heat and light
for Earth. Unfortunately, the hydrogen fuel of the Sun can’t last
forever. All good things eventually come to an end. In approximately
five billion years from now, the Hydrogen at the center of the Sun
will all be converted to Helium. At this point, the Sun will begin
die. The Holy Quran refers to this stage in the life of the sun , God
says in the Holy Quran what means " When the sun (with its spacious
light) is folded up " [81: 1]This is a matchless ****phor for causing
the sun to lose its light. Takwir means to fold up; hence takwir al-
`amamah for folding up the turban on the head. Here, the light which
radiates from the sun and spreads throughout the solar system has been
likened to the turban and it has been said that on the Resurrection
Day the turban will be folded up about the sun and its radiation will
fade. Many Astronomers also believe that this will also start the
beginning of trouble on our planet. Without its Hydrogen, the Sun has
to find an alternate way to free up energy and combat gravity. The
Helium deposits in its core can be fused into Carbon and Oxygen, but
only if the conditions in The Sun’s core become much more extreme. In
order for this to happen, the Sun changes in a very radical way. The
core contracts and, even more importantly, the outer layers swell.
When the Sun reaches its maturity, it will begin to bloat and swallow
all the inner planets including the moon .

Another scientists says " The Sun is midway through its stable
hydrogen burning phase known as the main sequence. But when the Sun
enters the red giant phase in around 5 billion years things are going
to get a lot rougher in the Earth-Moon system. "During the red giant
phase the Sun will swell until its distended atmosphere reaches out to
envelop the Earth and Moon

The Holy Quran refers to this stage in the following Holy Verse ; God
says in the Holy Quran what means " And the sun and moon are joined
together," Joined together ….doesn’t science say that ? Yes , it does
…..so who told Mohummed …..He must be God , the creator of the
universe …….it must be God who knows all the secrets of the universe …
SO the Holy Quran is surely a Divine Book . When the moon is so close
to the sun , the outer crust will expand and broke into pieces ,
exactly like when the earth when undergoes an earth quake . The Holy
quran mentions this stage in the following verse "When the planets are
scattered" It is scientifically known that the stars are planets .

The moon is moving towards the sun

How was the moon near to the earth billions of years ago billion years
ago, the Moon was much closer to Earth than it will be tonight. Its
tighter orbit meant it needed just 20 days to go around us, to make a
lunar month. Other things were noticeably different, too. A day on
Earth back then was only 18 hours long.

The Moon is now moving away from Earth and by then will be in an orbit
that’s about 40 percent larger than today. It will be the first to
warp under the Sun’s influence. Today, the Moon is on average 239,000
miles (385,000 kilometres) away and has reached this point after a
long and dramatic journey. How far does the moon go every year ? The
Moon is being pushed away from Earth by 1.6 inches (4 centimeters) per
year and our planet’s rotation is slowing. So the further the moon
goes , the less its light till it meets the welloen atmosphere of the
sun . The Holy Quran mention this scientific fact which implies that
the moon is moving away from the earth ." And the moon is buried in
darkness. " [ AL-Kayma :8] The moon will move away from the earth till
it meets with the swollen sun ,thus collected or joined with the sun
Unspeakable events will happen before the doomsday . Further , Quran
tells us that the sun will attract or swallow the moon ; God says in
the Holy Quran what means " And the sun and moon are joined together
" [ AL-Kayma :8]

it is literally says that both the sun and the moon will be joined
together . Numeric miracle : Astrophysics says that the moon and the
sun are aligned (19) times in the year ; the word the moon and the sun
are coupled or mentioned together(19) times . Though scientists
calculate the period of cosmos events by millions and even billions of
years , we would like to say that these are theoretical calculations .
God has created certain laws that we don’t understand , An
astrophysics says , likening the human knowledge of present scientists
as those of kids in kindergarten . this means that human mind hasn’t
got every thing . God says in the holy quran what means " of knowledge
it is only a little that is communicated to you, (O men) [ Al-Asra :
84] We want to say that such calculations may happen because of the
other laws that we don’t know . Any way there is a conformity between
what science and the Holy Quran says

In the intervening eons, the Moon has been drifting away. Each year,
it moves about 1.6 inches (4 centimeters) farther intspace.

Can be a coincidence that such accurate facts in the holy Quran be in
conformity with the newly discovered scientific facts ? If Mohummed is
imposter , why did he leave the culture of his age ,though he received
no culture . He could have won many people on his part , if he had
mentioned the culture of his age . Who told him such highly scientific
facts that highly qualified scientists ,after long –tiring search ,
came to? There is no doubt that Quran must be God’s word , who says in
the Holy Quran what means " Should He not know, He that created? And
He is the One that understands the finest mysteries (and) is well
acquainted (with them). ( Al-Malek :14) What do you still in need to
believe ? What evidence do you still in need to believe ? What can be
called the unseen is turning to be seen You are running out of time ,
once the story of your life comes to an end , there will either
permanent happiness or eternal perdition . It is time to win yourself
"And He found thee wandering, and He gave thee guidance." The word
wandering is not an accurate translation , the word (Dala=wandering "
has another meaning , it is the intended meaning , it means (loving )
In Arabic , excessive love makes the human wander aimlessly , nothing
here or there to attract his attention but his beloved – that is the
case with some Sufis Abu-Alyazedd, once filled the ecstasy of love
towards god , so he wanderd till he entered into a field of
sugarcane , already harvested , so the rest of remained as knives in
the field , he walked on them , not feeling , his leg were severely
wounded and bled so much , he was wandering not feeling of what
happened –he bled all his blood till he died . This what happen when
God manifests himself partly to the human heart Remember what happen
to the mountain when God manifested Himself Also , remember when in
Journey nigh the angel stopped at a certain point no able to move , he
won’t be able to bear the lights of God’s glory –manifestation Only
Mohummed was supplied by another power to bear As to prophet
Mohummed , It is something unknown that was enshrined in his heart ,
this move him to wander , moved him to leave his wife , his tribe ,
all of the world , he left the world to live in a versy small cave in
a very hot desert – for what , the verse answer him saying " we found
you (Dala-wanderer ) and we did guide you.

For more information about Islam
Contact Us At
The fate of the moon in the Holy Quran and science

By Magdy Abd AL-Shafy

I would be thankful if you give my article 5 minute of your
value time. THANK YOU

Modern astrophysics , depending on accurate calculations , says that
both the moon and the sun will be joined someday . The Holy Quran , in
reference to the Doomsday , stresses the same fact .

Here is an article from Nasa that explains how all it will begin : the
study says " Our Sun is made up of more than billions and billons of
tons of matter. As a result, all of that matter produces a huge amount
of gravitational force that squeezes the star more and more inward. In
order to combat the inward crush from the gravitational force, The
Sunutilizes fusion power to hold themselves up. At the Sun’s core,
where the crush is most extreme, Hydrogen nuclei are repeatedly pushed
together and combined to form Helium. A small amount of energy is
given up in these fusion reactions. The newly formed energy flows
outward toward the Sun’s surface heating the outer layers in the
process and puffing the Sun up to counteract the inward force of
gravity. According to scientists, as long as the Hydrogen fusion
reactions are functioning as they have in the past, the Sun is safe
from gravity and can continue to serve as a source of heat and light
for Earth. Unfortunately, the hydrogen fuel of the Sun can’t last
forever. All good things eventually come to an end. In approximately
five billion years from now, the Hydrogen at the center of the Sun
will all be converted to Helium. At this point, the Sun will begin
die. The Holy Quran refers to this stage in the life of the sun , God
says in the Holy Quran what means " When the sun (with its spacious
light) is folded up " [81: 1]This is a matchless ****phor for causing
the sun to lose its light. Takwir means to fold up; hence takwir al-
`amamah for folding up the turban on the head. Here, the light which
radiates from the sun and spreads throughout the solar system has been
likened to the turban and it has been said that on the Resurrection
Day the turban will be folded up about the sun and its radiation will
fade. Many Astronomers also believe that this will also start the
beginning of trouble on our planet. Without its Hydrogen, the Sun has
to find an alternate way to free up energy and combat gravity. The
Helium deposits in its core can be fused into Carbon and Oxygen, but
only if the conditions in The Sun’s core become much more extreme. In
order for this to happen, the Sun changes in a very radical way. The
core contracts and, even more importantly, the outer layers swell.
When the Sun reaches its maturity, it will begin to bloat and swallow
all the inner planets including the moon .

Another scientists says " The Sun is midway through its stable
hydrogen burning phase known as the main sequence. But when the Sun
enters the red giant phase in around 5 billion years things are going
to get a lot rougher in the Earth-Moon system. "During the red giant
phase the Sun will swell until its distended atmosphere reaches out to
envelop the Earth and Moon

The Holy Quran refers to this stage in the following Holy Verse ; God
says in the Holy Quran what means " And the sun and moon are joined
together," Joined together ….doesn’t science say that ? Yes , it does
…..so who told Mohummed …..He must be God , the creator of the
universe …….it must be God who knows all the secrets of the universe …
SO the Holy Quran is surely a Divine Book . When the moon is so close
to the sun , the outer crust will expand and broke into pieces ,
exactly like when the earth when undergoes an earth quake . The Holy
quran mentions this stage in the following verse "When the planets are
scattered" It is scientifically known that the stars are planets .

The moon is moving towards the sun

How was the moon near to the earth billions of years ago billion years
ago, the Moon was much closer to Earth than it will be tonight. Its
tighter orbit meant it needed just 20 days to go around us, to make a
lunar month. Other things were noticeably different, too. A day on
Earth back then was only 18 hours long.

The Moon is now moving away from Earth and by then will be in an orbit
that’s about 40 percent larger than today. It will be the first to
warp under the Sun’s influence. Today, the Moon is on average 239,000
miles (385,000 kilometres) away and has reached this point after a
long and dramatic journey. How far does the moon go every year ? The
Moon is being pushed away from Earth by 1.6 inches (4 centimeters) per
year and our planet’s rotation is slowing. So the further the moon
goes , the less its light till it meets the welloen atmosphere of the
sun . The Holy Quran mention this scientific fact which implies that
the moon is moving away from the earth ." And the moon is buried in
darkness. " [ AL-Kayma :8] The moon will move away from the earth till
it meets with the swollen sun ,thus collected or joined with the sun
Unspeakable events will happen before the doomsday . Further , Quran
tells us that the sun will attract or swallow the moon ; God says in
the Holy Quran what means " And the sun and moon are joined together
" [ AL-Kayma :8]

it is literally says that both the sun and the moon will be joined
together . Numeric miracle : Astrophysics says that the moon and the
sun are aligned (19) times in the year ; the word the moon and the sun
are coupled or mentioned together(19) times . Though scientists
calculate the period of cosmos events by millions and even billions of
years , we would like to say that these are theoretical calculations .
God has created certain laws that we don’t understand , An
astrophysics says , likening the human knowledge of present scientists
as those of kids in kindergarten . this means that human mind hasn’t
got every thing . God says in the holy quran what means " of knowledge
it is only a little that is communicated to you, (O men) [ Al-Asra :
84] We want to say that such calculations may happen because of the
other laws that we don’t know . Any way there is a conformity between
what science and the Holy Quran says

In the intervening eons, the Moon has been drifting away. Each year,
it moves about 1.6 inches (4 centimeters) farther intspace.

Can be a coincidence that such accurate facts in the holy Quran be in
conformity with the newly discovered scientific facts ? If Mohummed is
imposter , why did he leave the culture of his age ,though he received
no culture . He could have won many people on his part , if he had
mentioned the culture of his age . Who told him such highly scientific
facts that highly qualified scientists ,after long –tiring search ,
came to? There is no doubt that Quran must be God’s word , who says in
the Holy Quran what means " Should He not know, He that created? And
He is the One that understands the finest mysteries (and) is well
acquainted (with them). ( Al-Malek :14) What do you still in need to
believe ? What evidence do you still in need to believe ? What can be
called the unseen is turning to be seen You are running out of time ,
once the story of your life comes to an end , there will either
permanent happiness or eternal perdition . It is time to win yourself
"And He found thee wandering, and He gave thee guidance." The word
wandering is not an accurate translation , the word (Dala=wandering "
has another meaning , it is the intended meaning , it means (loving )
In Arabic , excessive love makes the human wander aimlessly , nothing
here or there to attract his attention but his beloved – that is the
case with some Sufis Abu-Alyazedd, once filled the ecstasy of love
towards god , so he wanderd till he entered into a field of
sugarcane , already harvested , so the rest of remained as knives in
the field , he walked on them , not feeling , his leg were severely
wounded and bled so much , he was wandering not feeling of what
happened –he bled all his blood till he died . This what happen when
God manifests himself partly to the human heart Remember what happen
to the mountain when God manifested Himself Also , remember when in
Journey nigh the angel stopped at a certain point no able to move , he
won’t be able to bear the lights of God’s glory –manifestation Only
Mohummed was supplied by another power to bear As to prophet
Mohummed , It is something unknown that was enshrined in his heart ,
this move him to wander , moved him to leave his wife , his tribe ,
all of the world , he left the world to live in a versy small cave in
a very hot desert – for what , the verse answer him saying " we found
you (Dala-wanderer ) and we did guide you.

For more information about Islam
Contact Us At

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