Marco Licetti
WARNING: EBAY ITEM# CHANGED due to THEIR error relisted under a new item#:
HP/AGILENT 83525A (10MHz-8.4GHz) RFplugin (eg HP8350A/B, etc. SWEEP
OSCILLATORS) - RF/Microwave, near-NEW (WORKING), CALIBRATED in 2005.
Do NOT reply on Newsgroup, if email: remove "death2spammers" strings in my
address (repeated twice). Price $899 but PLEASE do check with Ebay listing
first as I might revise it down (but not up - everyone else selling for
$950-1000, yet I want tobe done QUICK), shipping from Amplitech, Inc., New
York, USA
Posted on Ebay, item# 330024441908. Goto www.ebay.com and enter
"330024441908" (without quotation marks) into search window (or item#,
etc.); BUY NOW OPTION is AVAILABLE, i.e. NO need to wait for Auction end
($799 or revised down). Description is there (on Ebay), copied down here
for your convenience, BUT to see ALL-SIDES PICTURES/etc do check that Ebay
listing. Best done via Ebay - SAFE for you/me (my feedback is 100%
positive there & 10+ years on Newsgroups), if you're not into Ebay and
unless a bid already placed, I can take it off and sell outside Ebay.
Description copied here (see pictures on Ebay):
Concise description as you can GET DETAILED
ww.agilent.com ->search->enter->"83525A", or search for 8350A, 8350B, etc.
as entire HP 8350 mainframes series takes these plugins. For your
convenience two main specs are repeated here:
Frequency range is 10MHz - 8.4GHz, max. level output 20 mW,+/-1.5dB,
standard front in/outs, plus extra on backside (installed OPTIONS?):
external MKR, RFout, PulseIn, ExtALC, plus a mysterious coax input I never
used. Was controlled via HPIB/GPIB.
1. CONDITION is near-NEW, photo may show a dusty spot - can be wiped off
with mere towel (made photos in a hurry because late @work, 5PM). PULLED
FROM WORKING ENVIRONMENT at AMPLITECH, Inc. (www.amplitechinc.com), one of
the best-known RF/Microwave companies - a spin off of Miteq, Inc. Stored
gently in our environmentally-controlled lab, since we upgraded to 26.5 GHz
REASON for selling - you look at our website, products go upto 40GHz (65GHz
with waveguides) - became imperative to buy a different plugin in 2004 and
sell this. Used for MILITARY & aircraft amplifiers testing until year 2004,
assure you 100% working unit (idle). Rather get money than idle (to use
that money for NetworkAnalyzer parts, that we need more than Sweeper parts).
2. CALIBRATION: expired in early 2006 - didn't need to calibrate an idle
unit. Calibration may still be valid, but if you wish to refresh -
calibrate yourself. If you wish ME to calibrate, it's not cost-effective, I
might charge $250+ extra as it's a hassle to remove our 26.5GHz, calibrate
this 8.4Ghz, then restore our plugin; so email me what you want. Best if
you calibrate yourself.
3. As mentioned above, docs/specs/manuals are at Agilent website. People
who buy Test Equipment are professionals/engineers - know specific model#,
specs, or can quickly locate them. HP 8350A/B/etc are one of the most
widely used legacy RF/microwave oscillators/sweepers/generators whose
mainframes are designed to use such plugins. Thus often supported in modern
Automated test Equipment software (HPIB, GPIB), multiple companies I worked
for supported this unit in ATE software. Modern Agilent Sweepers offer this
unit backward compatibility. For example, we controlled this 83525A plugin
in HP8350A/B mainframe via GPIB (aka HPIB, IEE488) using ARKRF's software
AUTOLAB, but any other will work.
Could be also a nice secondary/backup Plugin for you.
HP/AGILENT 83525A (10MHz-8.4GHz) RFplugin (eg HP8350A/B, etc. SWEEP
OSCILLATORS) - RF/Microwave, near-NEW (WORKING), CALIBRATED in 2005.
Do NOT reply on Newsgroup, if email: remove "death2spammers" strings in my
address (repeated twice). Price $899 but PLEASE do check with Ebay listing
first as I might revise it down (but not up - everyone else selling for
$950-1000, yet I want tobe done QUICK), shipping from Amplitech, Inc., New
York, USA
Posted on Ebay, item# 330024441908. Goto www.ebay.com and enter
"330024441908" (without quotation marks) into search window (or item#,
etc.); BUY NOW OPTION is AVAILABLE, i.e. NO need to wait for Auction end
($799 or revised down). Description is there (on Ebay), copied down here
for your convenience, BUT to see ALL-SIDES PICTURES/etc do check that Ebay
listing. Best done via Ebay - SAFE for you/me (my feedback is 100%
positive there & 10+ years on Newsgroups), if you're not into Ebay and
unless a bid already placed, I can take it off and sell outside Ebay.
Description copied here (see pictures on Ebay):
Concise description as you can GET DETAILED
ww.agilent.com ->search->enter->"83525A", or search for 8350A, 8350B, etc.
as entire HP 8350 mainframes series takes these plugins. For your
convenience two main specs are repeated here:
Frequency range is 10MHz - 8.4GHz, max. level output 20 mW,+/-1.5dB,
standard front in/outs, plus extra on backside (installed OPTIONS?):
external MKR, RFout, PulseIn, ExtALC, plus a mysterious coax input I never
used. Was controlled via HPIB/GPIB.
1. CONDITION is near-NEW, photo may show a dusty spot - can be wiped off
with mere towel (made photos in a hurry because late @work, 5PM). PULLED
FROM WORKING ENVIRONMENT at AMPLITECH, Inc. (www.amplitechinc.com), one of
the best-known RF/Microwave companies - a spin off of Miteq, Inc. Stored
gently in our environmentally-controlled lab, since we upgraded to 26.5 GHz
REASON for selling - you look at our website, products go upto 40GHz (65GHz
with waveguides) - became imperative to buy a different plugin in 2004 and
sell this. Used for MILITARY & aircraft amplifiers testing until year 2004,
assure you 100% working unit (idle). Rather get money than idle (to use
that money for NetworkAnalyzer parts, that we need more than Sweeper parts).
2. CALIBRATION: expired in early 2006 - didn't need to calibrate an idle
unit. Calibration may still be valid, but if you wish to refresh -
calibrate yourself. If you wish ME to calibrate, it's not cost-effective, I
might charge $250+ extra as it's a hassle to remove our 26.5GHz, calibrate
this 8.4Ghz, then restore our plugin; so email me what you want. Best if
you calibrate yourself.
3. As mentioned above, docs/specs/manuals are at Agilent website. People
who buy Test Equipment are professionals/engineers - know specific model#,
specs, or can quickly locate them. HP 8350A/B/etc are one of the most
widely used legacy RF/microwave oscillators/sweepers/generators whose
mainframes are designed to use such plugins. Thus often supported in modern
Automated test Equipment software (HPIB, GPIB), multiple companies I worked
for supported this unit in ATE software. Modern Agilent Sweepers offer this
unit backward compatibility. For example, we controlled this 83525A plugin
in HP8350A/B mainframe via GPIB (aka HPIB, IEE488) using ARKRF's software
AUTOLAB, but any other will work.
Could be also a nice secondary/backup Plugin for you.