Jim Adney
As a sideline/hobby I buy up HP counters in the HP 5300-5312 series
and restore them to good working order. These are smallish solid state
modules which generally work off AC power and are meant for bench use.
They are NOT rack mount and they don't take up huge amounts of shelf
space. There are 2 different display modules and a number of counter
modules, all of which can be mixed and matched to cover frequencies
from less than 10 Hz to over 1.3 GHz.
I've been doing this for a number of years now and I've gotten to know
these units pretty well. I upgrade some of the weaker components in
the power supplies so that they will be even more reliable than when
new. I can calibrate them to better than 1 ppm, and since they are now
about 25-30 years old the timebase crystals in them have become pretty
If you are interested in measuring some frequencies to better
accuracies than you can do with your scope, this just might be a good
chance to upgrade your shop.
Email me and I'll forward you a list of the various modules which I
have with prices. Prices range from $60 to $200, depending on the
modules you pick. If you have questions about which ones might be
useful for your application I'd be glad to try to help; just explain
what you want to do in your email.
If you have dead or parts units or just parts for this series please
let me know what you have. I might be interested in buying them from
you. I would be particularly interested in any of the proprietary ICs
which HP used in these. They seldom fail, but I have a couple of
display units which need them.
Jim Adney jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, WI 53711 USA
and restore them to good working order. These are smallish solid state
modules which generally work off AC power and are meant for bench use.
They are NOT rack mount and they don't take up huge amounts of shelf
space. There are 2 different display modules and a number of counter
modules, all of which can be mixed and matched to cover frequencies
from less than 10 Hz to over 1.3 GHz.
I've been doing this for a number of years now and I've gotten to know
these units pretty well. I upgrade some of the weaker components in
the power supplies so that they will be even more reliable than when
new. I can calibrate them to better than 1 ppm, and since they are now
about 25-30 years old the timebase crystals in them have become pretty
If you are interested in measuring some frequencies to better
accuracies than you can do with your scope, this just might be a good
chance to upgrade your shop.
Email me and I'll forward you a list of the various modules which I
have with prices. Prices range from $60 to $200, depending on the
modules you pick. If you have questions about which ones might be
useful for your application I'd be glad to try to help; just explain
what you want to do in your email.
If you have dead or parts units or just parts for this series please
let me know what you have. I might be interested in buying them from
you. I would be particularly interested in any of the proprietary ICs
which HP used in these. They seldom fail, but I have a couple of
display units which need them.
Jim Adney jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, WI 53711 USA