FS: Electronic test equipment, 29 pcs. (1)


Paul Urbanus

$500 for 29 pieces of test equipment. Some working, some not.

1. Tek 7633 Storage scope, 100MHz mainframe
2. Tek 7A18 Amplifier, oscilloscope plug-in
3. Tek 7A18 Amplifier, oscilloscope plug-in
4. Tek 7A18 Amplifier, oscilloscope plug-in
5. Tek 7B53N Time base, oscilloscope plug-in
6. Tek 7B53A Time base, oscilloscope plug-in
7. Tek 7B53A Time base, oscilloscope plug-in
8. HP 1630D Logic analyzer

9. Paratronics P-540 Logic analyzer
10. Gould Biomation K100D Logic analyzer, 32 channels
11. I/F Tech RS670 Pattern generator, 32 bits x 40 MHz

12. Tek TM506 Modular instrument chassis, 6 bay
13. Tek TM504 Modular instrument chassis, 4 bay
14. Tek TM503 Modular instrument chassis, 3 bay
15. Tek FG501 Function generator
16. Tek FG502 Function generator
17. Tek PG501 Pulse generator, 5Hz - 50MHZ
18. Tek PG501 Pulse generator, 5Hz - 50MHZ
19. Tek PG508 Pulse generator, 5Hz - 50MHZ
20. Tek DC505A Frequency counter
21. Tek DM501 Digital VOM
22. Tek DM501 Digital VOM
23. Tek DM501 Digital VOM
24. Tek DM501A Digital VOM
25. Tek PS501-2 Power supply
26. HP 611A DC power supply, 0-20V, 1A
27. HP 611A DC power supply, 0-20V, 1A
28. Sorenson QRD 40-2 DC power supply, 0-50V, 0-2.5A BAD,
29. Datapulse 101 Pulse generator, exernal trigger, bipolar output

PICKUP ONLY in Dallas (Plano), Texas

For complete pics and details, go to:


Paul (214)356-9019

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