

M. Anas


From what I am read now on an internet site, I understand that radio waves
moving through the atmosphere behave quite differently at different
frequency. This is due to the effect of the sun on the atmosphere, and it
changes from day to night, as well as from year to year. Is this also true
for Cellular phones? if they why never notice any difference?

I understand that radio waves moving through the atmosphere
behave quite differently at different frequency [sic]
...due to the effect of the sun on the atmosphere
Is this also true for Cellular phones?
M. Anas
Some communications can be bounced off the ionosphere.
Cell phones go directly to local towers.
Technically, your answer is incorrect. Radio signals go EVERYWHERE.

Given the right ammount of power and right propergation - ALL
communications can bounce off the ionosphere.

There are different layers to the atmosphere, the most common for
Day/Night 'bouncing' is the F1 and F2 layers, which at night combine
into one layer.

Since the earth is curved, all radio waves will go streight up (yes,
deep into outer space) but only during the right conditions can radio
signals 'bounce' inside the ionosphere. The longer the wave (Hz or low
Mhz) easily bounce around the ionosphere. 50Mhz bounce descently
during high cloud coverage and rainy conditions. 150mhz bounce off
lower dence rain clouds, 400Mhz bounce better off of higher dence rain

Is it possiable for 900Mhz up to Bounce? YES. Its is highly possiable
(and has been done many times) to bounce 1.2 and 2.4Ghz off of the
Moon with the right antenna array and enough RF power to get it there.

Cell phones, because of their lower power, dont reflect in the
ionospher, but due to their higher frequencies, they do reflect off of
ground based objects - Sometimes, and sometimes ground based objects
just block their signal.

Hope thats a better explination then just a 'they go directly to local
towers' Which isnt true. Ive neve seen a cell phone's signal transmit
in a streight line JUST to the local tower, *ALL* Omni directions
transmit in a 360(ish) degree radius, not in a streight line, unless
its bouncing off a object.

On 24 Jun 2004 14:47:49 -0700, (JeffM) wrote:

I understand that radio waves moving through the atmosphere
behave quite differently at different frequency [sic]
...due to the effect of the sun on the atmosphere
Is this also true for Cellular phones?
M. Anas

Some communications can be bounced off the ionosphere.
Cell phones go directly to local towers.

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