I'm trying to plot the frequency of a power supply I've designed. Here
is the net list:
v1 4 5 dc 0 sin(0 34 60)
D1 4 2 1N4007
D2 0 5 1N4007
D3 5 2 1N4007
D4 0 4 1N4007
c1 2 0 1000u
c2 2 0 100n
cout out 0 100n
radj adj 0 5k
r1 out adj 240
x 2 adj out LM317
..include parts.lib
set units=degree
destroy all
tran 0.01ms 100ms
plot v(4,5) v(out) vs (time*1000)
destroy all
ac dec 10 60Hz 7000Hz
plot ac1.v(out) vs ac1.frequency
I'm not doing it correctly though. For the second plot (freq
response), I get values in excess of 6000V ! This is so wrong as my
calculations have shown just above 28V is possible.
Please assist me in doing a frequency response.
is the net list:
v1 4 5 dc 0 sin(0 34 60)
D1 4 2 1N4007
D2 0 5 1N4007
D3 5 2 1N4007
D4 0 4 1N4007
c1 2 0 1000u
c2 2 0 100n
cout out 0 100n
radj adj 0 5k
r1 out adj 240
x 2 adj out LM317
..include parts.lib
set units=degree
destroy all
tran 0.01ms 100ms
plot v(4,5) v(out) vs (time*1000)
destroy all
ac dec 10 60Hz 7000Hz
plot ac1.v(out) vs ac1.frequency
I'm not doing it correctly though. For the second plot (freq
response), I get values in excess of 6000V ! This is so wrong as my
calculations have shown just above 28V is possible.
Please assist me in doing a frequency response.