Bret Cahill
L1q1''(t) + L3q1'(t) + L3R2[q1'(t) - q2'(t)] + q1(t)/C1 + (q1(t)-q2
(t))/C2 = En sin (omega t)
L2q2''(t) + L3R2 (q2'(t) - q1'(t)) + [q2(t) - q1(t)]/C2 = Em sin
( omega t + phi)
R= resistance
L = indunctance
C = capacitance
q = charge
E = voltage
omega = angular speed, rad/sec.
t = time
What is the frequency of the 2nd loop?
This differential equation set is very common in the activities of
Bret Cahill
(t))/C2 = En sin (omega t)
L2q2''(t) + L3R2 (q2'(t) - q1'(t)) + [q2(t) - q1(t)]/C2 = Em sin
( omega t + phi)
R= resistance
L = indunctance
C = capacitance
q = charge
E = voltage
omega = angular speed, rad/sec.
t = time
What is the frequency of the 2nd loop?
This differential equation set is very common in the activities of
Bret Cahill