I am being a bit lazy here - I could go to the yellow pages I guess - but I
thought I would give it a try here first. I am looking for a qualified EE to
assist on an ongoing but not regular basis with the design of small, fairly
simple electronic devices for a niche market. This is not a request for free
advice, rather, this is a commercial proposition. There will be a mutual
obligation towards confidentiality of all personal and commercial
information. So if you are in a position to help out I would like to hear
from you. A good knowledge of SMPS would be one requirement. Initial contact
by email then phone. Please contact at first instance to
pthompson27ATyahoo.com.au. Preference towards Aust and NZ based.
thought I would give it a try here first. I am looking for a qualified EE to
assist on an ongoing but not regular basis with the design of small, fairly
simple electronic devices for a niche market. This is not a request for free
advice, rather, this is a commercial proposition. There will be a mutual
obligation towards confidentiality of all personal and commercial
information. So if you are in a position to help out I would like to hear
from you. A good knowledge of SMPS would be one requirement. Initial contact
by email then phone. Please contact at first instance to
pthompson27ATyahoo.com.au. Preference towards Aust and NZ based.