Hello, if you all would like free webhosting, I will give it to you.  I have
a large reseller account with a lot of space that I really don't need.  If
you would like a free account with however much space you want, nothing
unreasonable though, please contact me at jasonj@sunplexon.com  If you want
the webhosting, please email me and I will set it up, host has PHP, MYSQL,
Fantastico, Cpanel, SMTP, POP, and much more.  Go ahead and email me and if
you can as a favor to me, please sign up for my free minimac link at
http://www.freeminimacs.com/?r=15356428  And if you do that, I would
greatly appriciate it.
Thank you,
Also if you want to IM me for quicker setup, jason15975346 on AIM.
a large reseller account with a lot of space that I really don't need.  If
you would like a free account with however much space you want, nothing
unreasonable though, please contact me at jasonj@sunplexon.com  If you want
the webhosting, please email me and I will set it up, host has PHP, MYSQL,
Fantastico, Cpanel, SMTP, POP, and much more.  Go ahead and email me and if
you can as a favor to me, please sign up for my free minimac link at
http://www.freeminimacs.com/?r=15356428  And if you do that, I would
greatly appriciate it.
Thank you,
Also if you want to IM me for quicker setup, jason15975346 on AIM.