One is a 502A. It's a tube-type, dual-beam, differential input, slow (DC to
!Mhz) scope.
The other is an R556. It's tube-type plus a few discrete transistors, and
also has a dual-beam tube. The time base is variable delayed sweep.
Bandwitdth is DC to 50Mhz. It has two vertical plugins, a 1A1 dual-trace and
a 1A4 four-trace.
Both work. The 556 appears to need the rotary switches cleaned. They're too
heavy to ship; the 502A's about 40 pounds, and the 556 manual says it's 87
3/4 pounds (which is with the plugins removed).
Pickup would be in Golden, CO.
!Mhz) scope.
The other is an R556. It's tube-type plus a few discrete transistors, and
also has a dual-beam tube. The time base is variable delayed sweep.
Bandwitdth is DC to 50Mhz. It has two vertical plugins, a 1A1 dual-trace and
a 1A4 four-trace.
Both work. The 556 appears to need the rotary switches cleaned. They're too
heavy to ship; the 502A's about 40 pounds, and the 556 manual says it's 87
3/4 pounds (which is with the plugins removed).
Pickup would be in Golden, CO.