Free Model Foundry USB3300



Hi all,
I've downloaded from the site in object a model of a usb3300 chip (usb2.
otg transceiver) because I wanted to simulate the behaviour....I'm tryin
to develop an ulpi wrapper and have a behavioural model of the transceive
should save me a lot of time....

Unfortunately it seems not working at all...or I'm not compiling an
simulating it in the right way.
I use modelsim 6.5 se...I compiled using vhdl-93 and with vital200 least it should be....

Anyway...I'm forced to compile one file at time otherwise I get strang
compilation errors and, when I start a simulation, I get a sigsegv o
VitalPathDelay01Z...mmh I don't know where to start from....I'm considerin
to give up... :-(

Any help will be very appreciated...

If somebody want to try to use the package and verify.. it can b
downloaded fro
testebench is provided should be only compiled and simulate
but for me became a black hole...

Thanks in advance

Posted through
Nobody never used fmf models....please any help....


Posted through
On Apr 20, 6:03 am, "carlob"
<> wrote:
Nobody never used fmf models....please any help....

If you want specific help, you should ask more specific questions.
Simply saying things like 'I get strange
compilation errors' or 'I get a sigsegv on VitalPathDelay01Z' are of
no help to anyone except the limited audience that may have used that
specific part. What you describe though seems like something more
general which if you were to list what error messages you actually get
would be of more help. Most people do not want to do all your work
for you.

Somewhat coincidentally, I can say that I have compiled that
particular model without any problems and have at least started a sim
with a testbench that instantiates that model...whether or not it
correctly models the part I can't say other than the clock output does

Kevin Jennings
Thank you for the don't want that someone do work in m
place...I'm doing this in my spare time....but I'm not able to d
it...probably because I don't understand the error...

Anyway I know that is terribly difficul to help someone without having ha
exactly the same problem...that's why I searched for someone that used th
component...thank you for your help...

You told me that you were able to compile correctly...I can tell you step
that I have followed to accomplish a compilation and you can check if I'
I create a new library called fmf with the fmf library files (only two ar
needed conversions.vhd and gen_utils.vhd). I compile with -93 version o problems here...
Then I map this library for compiling all files in src director
(test_pkg.vhd test_code.vhd test_bfm.vhd usb3300.vh
testbench_usb3300_vhdl.vhd in this order always with -93). At first
receive errors because it claims that test_code.vhd and test_bfm.vhd canno
see package work.test_pkg...
It is strange in my is the first file I compiled, but I notic
that, under library work, test_pkg is the only library actuall
From here (with test_pkg already compiled) start a new
everything is ok...all is compiled error...
Ii is correct??? In your opinion I'm doing something wrong?? That's firs
time I saw a thing like that...
Another way that I found effective to accomplish a right compilation her
is to compile each file individually.....
Anyway everything is compiled now...but I'm not sure if I'm doing somethin

Problems start when I try to simulate.....
I had different problems on different tries...(if I remember well because
don't have modelsim here)....
Yesterday night I first compiled the sdf with sdfcom then I tried to launc
a simulation with -sdftyp /dut=path_to_compiled_sdf without luck..
Modelsim complains that: Failed to find INSTANCE dut (that is present i
testbench and in sdf with tag INSTANCE...file usb3300_vhdl.sdf lin
15)...after that SIGSEGV....I checked also the modelsim user guide...for m
I'm doing ok...but doesn't work...if you look at testbench_usb3300_vhdl.vh
and usb3300_vhdl.sdf you can confirm that dut is the instance to which sd
refers and it is the name of instance of component usb3300 in testbench...

If I compile checking to ignore sdf warnings and to translate errors i
warnings I can start the simulation (obviuosly) but when I run it I receiv
a SIGSEGV...on line 2042 of usb3300.vhd....VitalPathDelay01Z...

I think that the error is mainly in parsing the sdf file....generics fo
vital are not recognized well and crash...but I'm not so expert in timin

I don't know if I'm doing well...probably you can tell me If you did th
same or not....

Maybe...there could be also an issue with my installation o
modelsim...even if I tried to simulate with other old project and everytin
seems working fine...

Tonight I will try again and I will be more precise...

Thank you

On Apr 20, 6:03=A0am, "carlob"> wrote:
Nobody never used fmf models....please any help....

Carlo =A0 =A0 =A0

If you want specific help, you should ask more specific questions.
Simply saying things like 'I get strange
compilation errors' or 'I get a sigsegv on VitalPathDelay01Z' are of
no help to anyone except the limited audience that may have used that
specific part. What you describe though seems like something more
general which if you were to list what error messages you actually get
would be of more help. Most people do not want to do all your work
for you.

Somewhat coincidentally, I can say that I have compiled that
particular model without any problems and have at least started a sim
with a testbench that instantiates that model...whether or not it
correctly models the part I can't say other than the clock output does

Kevin Jennings
Posted through
Hi all,
to be more precise:

create a new library work:
vlib work
vmap work work
Compile gen_utils.vhd and conversions.vhd (fmf library):
vcom -reportprogress 300 -work work {C:/usb3300/src/fmf/gen_utils.vhd}
vcom -reportprogress 300 -work work {C:/usb3300/src/fmf/conversions.vhd}
in modelsim.ini I have set VHDL93 = 93
No problem till here....

Now start with usb3300:
change drectory to usb3300/src
create a new library work:
vlib work
vmap work work
map the previous library as fmf:
vmap fmf {C:/usb3300/src/fmf/work}
Compile files in src (in modelsim.ini I have set VHDL93 = 93):
vcom -reportprogress 300 -work work {C:/usb3300/src/test_pkg.vhd}
vcom -reportprogress 300 -work work {C:/usb3300/src/test_code.vhd}
vcom -reportprogress 300 -work work {C:/usb3300/src/test_bfm.vhd}
vcom -reportprogress 300 -work work {C:/usb3300/src/usb3300.vhd}
vcom -reportprogress 300 -work wor

Till now...everything is fine....
Then I compiled usb3300_vhdl.sdf with sdfcom
sdfcom -typdelays usb3300_vhdl.sdf com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf
obtaining com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf

Start simulation:
vsim -sdftyp {/dut=C:/usb3300/src/com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf} -t p
# Loading std.standard
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# Loading instances from C:/usb3300/src/com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf
# ** Error: (vsim-SDF-3250) usb3300_vhdl.sdf(17): Failed to find INSTANC
# ** Error: (vsim-SDF-3894) : Errors occured in reading and resolvin
instances from compiled SDF file(s).
# ** Fatal: (SIGSEGV) Bad handle or reference.
# Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Process
File: C://usb3300/src/usb3300.vhd
# FATAL ERROR while loading design

Then I Tried:
# Loading std.standard
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# Loading instances from C:/usb3300/src/com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf
# Loading timing data from C:/usb3300/src/com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf
# ** Fatal: (SIGSEGV) Bad handle or reference.
# Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Process
File: C:/usb3300/src/usb3300.vhd
# FATAL ERROR while loading design

As you can see now the instance is resolved but modelsim SIGSEGV again. Th
same result if I use the sdf not previously compiled...

At the end I tried again by compiling after disabling all possible check
and optimizations in modelsim.ini:
Explicit = 0 NoDebug = 0 CheckSynthesis = 0 NoVitalCheck = 1 Optimize_116
= 0
NoVital = 1 Quiet = 0 Show_source = 0 DisableOpt = 0

Everything is the simulation...
Failed to find INSTANCE 'dut'as before..changing instance to / seem
ok...layout change to simulate

# vsim -sdftyp {/=C:/usb3300/src/com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf} -t ps -novop
# Loading std.standard
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# Loading instances from C:/Documents an
# Loading timing data from C:/Documents an
# ** Note: (vsim-3587) SDF Backannotation Successfully Completed.
# Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Region: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl File

but after run

# ** Note: -------------------------------------------------------------
# Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: -------------POSITIVE, POWER UP------------------------------
# Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Fatal: (SIGSEGV) Bad handle or reference.
# Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Process
/testbench_usb3300_vhdl/dut/behavior/nxt_out_pathdelay File
# Fatal error in Process nxt_out_pathdelay at C:/usb3300/src/usb3300.vh
line 2091
# HDL call sequence:
# Stopped at C:/usb3300/src/usb3300.vhd 2091 Process nxt_out_pathdelay

I'm still thinking that I'm using the sdf file in an uncorrect way...anywa
I don't find the right way...

I know t post is very long...I'm sorry....

Hope kevin or someone else can help me
Thank you very much


On Apr 20, 6:03=A0am, "carlob"> wrote:
Nobody never used fmf models....please any help....

Carlo =A0 =A0 =A0

If you want specific help, you should ask more specific questions.
Simply saying things like 'I get strange
compilation errors' or 'I get a sigsegv on VitalPathDelay01Z' are of
no help to anyone except the limited audience that may have used that
specific part. What you describe though seems like something more
general which if you were to list what error messages you actually get
would be of more help. Most people do not want to do all your work
for you.

Somewhat coincidentally, I can say that I have compiled that
particular model without any problems and have at least started a sim
with a testbench that instantiates that model...whether or not it
correctly models the part I can't say other than the clock output does

Kevin Jennings
Posted through
On Thu, 21 Apr 2011 16:08:06 -0500, "carlob" wrote:

Start simulation:
vsim -sdftyp {/dut=C:/usb3300/src/com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf} -t ps
It seems very unlikely that the full hierarchical path
to the module is "/dut". Load the simulation without the SDF
option at all, and look in the GUI to see what ModelSim thinks
is the name of the DUT instance. It's probably something like
/testbench_usb3300_vhdl/dut (that appears in one of the error
messages). Put that into your -sdftyp option in place of /dut
and things will probably go better.
Jonathan Bromley
Hi jonathan......thank you very much...(If I remember well I've read in th
user manual that is not ever needed to specify the top entity)...anywa
that's the result of a try....

vsim -sdfty
{/testbench_usb3300_vhdl/dut=C:/usb330/src/com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf} -t p
# vsim -sdfty
{/testbench_usb3300_vhdl/dut=C:/usb3300/src/com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf} -t p
# Loading std.standard
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
# Loading ieee.std_logic_1164(body)
# Loading std.textio(body)
# Loading ieee.vital_timing(body)
# Loading ieee.vital_primitives(body)
# Loading fmf.gen_utils(body)
# Loading fmf.conversions(body)
# Loading work.test_pkg(body)
# Loading work.test_code(body)
# Loading work.ulpi_pkg(body)
# Loading work.usb_pkg(body)
# Loading work.testbench_usb3300_vhdl(vhdl_behavioral)
# Loading work.usb3300(vhdl_behavioral)
# Loading work.test_bfm(test_bfm_hdl)
# Loading instances from C:/usb3300/src/com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf
# ** Error: (vsim-SDF-3250) usb3300_vhdl.sdf(17): Failed to find INSTANC
# ** Error: (vsim-SDF-3894) : Errors occured in reading and resolvin
instances from compiled SDF file(s).
# Error loading design

The only way to let it start is to specify -sdftyp /=sdf file name...bu
then the simualtion SIGSEGV...and it is not correct...the right paramete
should be, as you suggest, /testbench_usb3300_vhdl/dut....
It seems impossible that for kevin the model worked without problems....

...any hint is welcome...

It's late now here..I'm going to sleep...if I will have more options I wil
try again tomorrow night...

Thank you again

On Thu, 21 Apr 2011 16:08:06 -0500, "carlob" wrote:

Start simulation:
vsim -sdftyp {/dut=C:/usb3300/src/com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf} -t ps

It seems very unlikely that the full hierarchical path
to the module is "/dut". Load the simulation without the SDF
option at all, and look in the GUI to see what ModelSim thinks
is the name of the DUT instance. It's probably something like
/testbench_usb3300_vhdl/dut (that appears in one of the error
messages). Put that into your -sdftyp option in place of /dut
and things will probably go better.
Jonathan Bromley
Posted through
"carlob" wrote in message
# Loading std.standard
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.
This looks like a Modelsim bug. I ran the design on DE 10.0a and it seems

# Loading instances from C:/usb3300/src/com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf
# ** Error: (vsim-SDF-3250) usb3300_vhdl.sdf(17): Failed to find INSTANCE
I get the same error, looks like the SDF file is not correct or not
compatible with Modelsim.

The only way to let it start is to specify -sdftyp /=sdf file name...but
then the simualtion SIGSEGV...and it is not correct...the right parameter
should be, as you suggest, /testbench_usb3300_vhdl/dut....
It seems impossible that for kevin the model worked without problems....
As Jonathan suggested try running it without the sdf file, you should get
something like:

run 10 ms
# ** Note: -------------------------------------------------------------
# Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: -------------POSITIVE, POWER UP------------------------------
# Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: RECEIVED RX CMD = d"40"
# Time: 3500091070 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: -------------POWER UP DONE-----------------------------------
# Time: 3500091070 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: -------------------------------------------------------------
# Time: 3500091070 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: -------------------------------------------------------------
# Time: 3500091070 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: -------------TEST 1------------------------------------------
# Time: 3500091070 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: POSITIVE, after power up, Link resets PHY by setting the reset
bit in the Function control register.
# Time: 3500091070 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Warning: *usb3300 HOLD High VIOLATION ON DIn(...) WITH RESPECT TO
# Expected := 1 ns; Observed := 0 ns; At : 3500274.33 ns
# Time: 3500274330 ps Iteration: 3 Region:
# ** Warning: *usb3300: simulation may be inaccurate due to timing
# Time: 3500274330 ps Iteration: 3 Region:
# ** Note: -------------END OF TEST 1-----------------------------------
# ** Note: -------------END OF TEST 15-----------------------------------
# Time: 17256729708 ps Iteration: 2 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: -------------------------------------------------------------
# Time: 17256729708 ps Iteration: 2 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: Test ended without errors
# Time: 17256729708 ps Iteration: 2 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl

I would try to contact the creator ( n­porobic@hdl­ and see if he
can help you out. I am sure he would appreciate the feedback,

Good luck,

..any hint is welcome...

It's late now here..I'm going to sleep...if I will have more options I will
try again tomorrow night...

Thank you again
Hi Hans,
yes..I will try that the moment I tried to contatct Richar
Munden: the author of the book: ASIC and FPG
Verification: A Guide to Component Modeling (Systems on Silicon)...he seem
to be very involved in free model foundry...but without any luck...n

Maybe I want to try to reinstall modelsim...the error on pgref sounds ba
to me and I've read on internet that someone with this kind of problem
solved with a full reinstallation...otherwise is very strange....

Thank you anyway for reply....

I would try to contact the creator ( n�porobic@hdl� and see i
can help you out. I am sure he would appreciate the feedback,

Good luck,

..any hint is welcome...

It's late now here..I'm going to sleep...if I will have more options
try again tomorrow night...

Thank you again
Posted through
Hi Hans,
thank you again...I'm sorry but I haven't read the first part of th
answer....ok I will try without the sdf...I don't remenber well bu
probably I've already tried with the same result as before....
A good modelsim reinstall is needed....I'm ever more convinced that is
tool problem....

Thank you again

"carlob" wrote in message
# Loading std.standard
# ** INTERNAL ERROR: pkgref: export lookup failed.

This looks like a Modelsim bug. I ran the design on DE 10.0a and it seem


# Loading instances from C:/usb3300/src/com_usb3300_vhdl.sdf
# ** Error: (vsim-SDF-3250) usb3300_vhdl.sdf(17): Failed to fin

I get the same error, looks like the SDF file is not correct or not
compatible with Modelsim.

The only way to let it start is to specify -sdftyp /=sdf file name...but
then the simualtion SIGSEGV...and it is not correct...the righ
should be, as you suggest, /testbench_usb3300_vhdl/dut....
It seems impossible that for kevin the model worked without problems....

As Jonathan suggested try running it without the sdf file, you should ge

something like:

run 10 ms
# ** Note: -------------------------------------------------------------
# Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: -------------POSITIVE, POWER UP------------------------------
# Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: RECEIVED RX CMD = d"40"
# Time: 3500091070 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: -------------POWER UP DONE-----------------------------------
# Time: 3500091070 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: -------------------------------------------------------------
# Time: 3500091070 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: -------------------------------------------------------------
# Time: 3500091070 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: -------------TEST 1------------------------------------------
# Time: 3500091070 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Note: POSITIVE, after power up, Link resets PHY by setting the rese

bit in the Function control register.
# Time: 3500091070 ps Iteration: 3 Instance: /testbench_usb3300_vhdl
# ** Warning: *usb3300 HOLD High VIOLATION ON DIn(...) WITH RESPECT TO
# Expected := 1 ns; Observed := 0 ns; At : 3500274.33 ns
# Time: 3500274330 ps Iteration: 3 Region:
# ** Warning: *usb3300: simulation may be inaccurate due to timing
# Time: 3500274330 ps Iteration: 3 Region:
# ** Note: -------------END OF TEST 1-----------------------------------
# ** Note: -------------END OF TEST 15-----------------------------------
# Time: 17256729708 ps Iteration: 2 Instance
# ** Note: -------------------------------------------------------------
# Time: 17256729708 ps Iteration: 2 Instance
# ** Note: Test ended without errors
# Time: 17256729708 ps Iteration: 2 Instance

I would try to contact the creator ( n�porobic@hdl� and see i
can help you out. I am sure he would appreciate the feedback,

Good luck,

..any hint is welcome...

It's late now here..I'm going to sleep...if I will have more options
try again tomorrow night...

Thank you again
Posted through
Hi all,

I've simply uninstalled modelsim an everything seems t
work at least without using the sdf.....
This is a really strange behaviour...but, as I understand from internet
I'm not the only one that experimented it....
I want to thank everyone who helped me and I hope that this indicatio
would be useful for some others...
Thank you again


Posted through

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