The catch is you have to send pictures or a video of an application that will replace an 8 or 16 bit design.
So I guess you have to already be a microcontroller designer, or give that impression.
NXP in a daring campaign to promote their latest 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 micro (and associated development tools) are challenging the
microcontroller community to show (not "tell") them how programmers like you <quote> break the habit of using 8-bit and 16-bit <end
quote> microcontroller systems.
To boost the campaign NXP are giving away LPCXpresso boards that contain a Cortex device. To qualify for receiving one free of
charge, all you have to do is to show how you plan to stop using 8 and 16-bit devices. You can do so by sending in a picture or a
video which if accepted will be included in a gallery you can view on the NXP M0-Cortex web page.
So I guess you have to already be a microcontroller designer, or give that impression.
NXP in a daring campaign to promote their latest 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 micro (and associated development tools) are challenging the
microcontroller community to show (not "tell") them how programmers like you <quote> break the habit of using 8-bit and 16-bit <end
quote> microcontroller systems.
To boost the campaign NXP are giving away LPCXpresso boards that contain a Cortex device. To qualify for receiving one free of
charge, all you have to do is to show how you plan to stop using 8 and 16-bit devices. You can do so by sending in a picture or a
video which if accepted will be included in a gallery you can view on the NXP M0-Cortex web page.