I've attempting to select an FPGA for a new design.
The design will have 9 of the following:
12 bit latches
12 bit down counter
1 bit output latch
So one measure of the size might be 25 registers * 9 = 225 registers.
The counting freq is 15 MHz.
The latches get loaded from an existing micro. So I need a 12 input
pins for a data buss, 4 input pins for which register, a clock pin and
let's say 4 pins for control lines.
Along with the 9 output signals.
So another measure is 12+4+1+4+9 = 30 pins not counting power and
It would also be desirable to be packaged in a PLCC but TQFP in ok.
And the device should be reprogrammable using JTAG (add 4 more pins).
Voltage is not much of an issue. However 5 V tolerant I/O would be
I've looked at Lattice and Altera and haven't found the perfect
solution. I can use larger than necessary Altera devices (ACEX1K)
but that seems to be the wrong direction.
Any suggestions/recommendations.
The design will have 9 of the following:
12 bit latches
12 bit down counter
1 bit output latch
So one measure of the size might be 25 registers * 9 = 225 registers.
The counting freq is 15 MHz.
The latches get loaded from an existing micro. So I need a 12 input
pins for a data buss, 4 input pins for which register, a clock pin and
let's say 4 pins for control lines.
Along with the 9 output signals.
So another measure is 12+4+1+4+9 = 30 pins not counting power and
It would also be desirable to be packaged in a PLCC but TQFP in ok.
And the device should be reprogrammable using JTAG (add 4 more pins).
Voltage is not much of an issue. However 5 V tolerant I/O would be
I've looked at Lattice and Altera and haven't found the perfect
solution. I can use larger than necessary Altera devices (ACEX1K)
but that seems to be the wrong direction.
Any suggestions/recommendations.