FPGA input



I am working on a FIR/IIR project, where I am using the Xilinx Spartan
2E FPGA. I am fairly new to the FPGA world and to VHDL. In this
project I will be given 4 sets of coefficients in which I have to run
through the filters to determine the type of filter it is. My question
is, is there a way to read in these coefficient files? Currently, I
input the coefficients manually into the vhdl code.
iinu@juno.com (ty) writes:

My question is, is there a way to read in these coefficient files?
Currently, I input the coefficients manually into the vhdl code.
You could write a small program that generates VHDL package from your
coefficients file, using any language that you are familiar with.

The less unfamiliar tools you use, the more robust your project
becomes. I used the CoreGenerator once to generate boot roms for a
CPU design and it sucked mightily. I don't remember the details
(luckily), but the thing was difficult to control from a Makefile, I
think, it had strange conventions where it wanted its input and output
files to be, it needed to start up Java although I didn't need any
GUI, etc.

Now I just write small programs (often in C) that outputs a VHDL
package with the needed constants. Simple, easy, works every time.

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