FPGA circuit simulator



I wanted to know if there's any simulator like proteus for FPGAs, lik
where we can have a FPGA interfaced with some other ICs or LCD etc an
without implementing it on hardware, we can see the output on simulator.
Like in proteus we can have different microcontrollers, LCDs and other ICs
and see if our code is working properly.


Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com
On Wed, 25 Apr 2012 00:14:40 -0500
"salimbaba" <a1234573@n_o_s_p_a_m.n_o_s_p_a_m.owlpic.com> wrote:

I wanted to know if there's any simulator like proteus for FPGAs, like
where we can have a FPGA interfaced with some other ICs or LCD etc and
without implementing it on hardware, we can see the output on simulator.
Like in proteus we can have different microcontrollers, LCDs and other ICs,
and see if our code is working properly.


Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com
Yes, you build simulation models of the other hardware on the board in
VHDL (or Verilog) and run it through your usual simulator.

I generally have ADCs and DACs using real as the analog voltage, and
LCD panels using string as the display.

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology -- www.highlandtechnology.com
Email address domain is currently out of order. See above to fix.
Am Mittwoch, 25. April 2012 07:14:40 UTC+2 schrieb salimbaba:
I wanted to know if there's any simulator like proteus for FPGAs, like
where we can have a FPGA interfaced with some other ICs or LCD etc and
without implementing it on hardware, we can see the output on simulator.
Like in proteus we can have different microcontrollers, LCDs and other ICs,
and see if our code is working properly.


Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com
almost any HDL simulator can do board level simulation, provided you have models for the stuff you want to attach to your FPGA.
Here's a site where you can find a number of simulation models to begin with:


Sometimes IC vendors provide you with simulation models of their devices too.
Also some EDA vendors have collections of simulation models, but they want to be paid of course (e.g. Synopsys smartmodels)

Have a nice simulation

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