FPGA Camp is tomorrow - 11/11 - silicon valley - Dinner pro



To register visit http://www.fpgacentral.com/fpgacamp & yes DINNER
will be provided so bring a friend !!

There are two distinct phases in bringing an FPGA system to market:
the design phase and the debug and verification phase. The primary
tasks in the design phase are entry, simulation, and implementation.
The primary tasks in the Debug and Verification phase are to validate
the design and correct any bugs found.

The recent advancements in FPGA densities have changed the way we
think of design & debug of a FPGA. This camp will focus on what can
you do as an engineer to make debugging your FPGA a science rather
then an art. It will also introduce to you various tools that you can
use to shorten the debug cycle.

5:00 PM- 6:00 PM: Registration, Dinner & exhibits (booths from various
6:00 PM - 6:05 PM: Introductions - Vikash Rungta
6:05 PM - 8:30 PM: Tech Talk
8:30 PM- 9:00 PM: Networking and exhibits (booths from various

Tech talk from:
* Eric Bogatin, BeTheSignal.com - How the board will screw up your
beautiful transceiver signals, and what you can do about it
* Sid Khattar, eInfoChip - Design and Validation Techniques for FPGA
* Chris Schalick, Gaterocket - Debugging FPGA designs may be harder
than you expect
* Mike Peattie & Vinay Singh, Xilinx - Improving Productivity in FPGA
Debug and Verification
* Richard Wilson, Altium - Using FPGAs to embed test instruments into
your PCB design
* Gordon Getty, Agilent - Using Logic Analyzers, Scopes and other
tools to debug your FPGA

Registration: FREE! Feel free to bring a friend. Use the form below
Or RSVP at linked in at http://events.linkedin.com/FPGACamp-Debugging-FPGA/pub/136177

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