Hi all,
I have question on measuring FPGA area. Measuring area cost of the FPGA implementation is tricky because there
are several different area types LUT, FF, BRAM, DSP. Is there way look
at a uniform cost model which combines all of then.
1. Some early version of ISE had equivalent gate count number for an
VHDL implementation. But it's not available anymore.
2. Slices seems to be the common unit of comparison. This is consists
of LUT and FF. But how about BRAM, DSP.
Can I say estimate the BRAM cost like this?
One 6input LUT(V6) = 64 x 1 bit RAM
1 Slice = 4 LUT = 256 x 1 bit RAM
1BRAM = 36kb => 144 slices
For DSP, I wrote simple code with 25x18 multiplier and then 48 bit
accumulator and set no dsp usage in synthesis to get the slice number
as 154 slices. (This was done using a Virtex 6.)
Is this a good estimate?
Are they are any alternative ways to measure an uniform cost of FPGA
Thanks in advance.
I have question on measuring FPGA area. Measuring area cost of the FPGA implementation is tricky because there
are several different area types LUT, FF, BRAM, DSP. Is there way look
at a uniform cost model which combines all of then.
1. Some early version of ISE had equivalent gate count number for an
VHDL implementation. But it's not available anymore.
2. Slices seems to be the common unit of comparison. This is consists
of LUT and FF. But how about BRAM, DSP.
Can I say estimate the BRAM cost like this?
One 6input LUT(V6) = 64 x 1 bit RAM
1 Slice = 4 LUT = 256 x 1 bit RAM
1BRAM = 36kb => 144 slices
For DSP, I wrote simple code with 25x18 multiplier and then 48 bit
accumulator and set no dsp usage in synthesis to get the slice number
as 154 slices. (This was done using a Virtex 6.)
Is this a good estimate?
Are they are any alternative ways to measure an uniform cost of FPGA
Thanks in advance.