Sir Jean Paul Turcaud
Well not only you are coward, but as well you cannot add up.
Withe regards to Sir Turcaud's contribution to Australia :
No of mines discovered are 3
No of mines swindled by Australian Rabble 3
No of mineral shows of importance discovered 7
No of mineral shows discovered in all about 2 dozen.
No of shows handed out and robbed 3
Overall richness potentially generated for the Land of Bastards now : approx
250 Billions Dollars
Overall richness which would have been potentially generated for the Land of
Bastards, if that Rabble had shown the minimum fairness : 2.5 Trillions
Cost now of the Divine Drudging Drought ( DDD ) with collateral Damages as
far as NZ, ZA & the USA : approx 5 Trillions Dollars or 5000 millions in
clear for your little brain.
Cost effective in terms of lost lives, broken existences, irreversible
pollution of Land & Water Ways by salt invasion, all the death by suicide in
All the Nations struck by the DDD are looking at you all shameless
Australians of the LOB, as a most Determined, Vicious and Shameless
Criminals Pack ! ... and led indeed by a Shameless Gang of Political
Criminals completely unconcerned about the DDD they brought upon at least
half a dozen Nations !
All those Nations are learning in dismay now that the cause of their
terrible predicaments, IS NOT ONLY DUE, as they thought, to an handful of
hardened Mining Criminals ( Newmont, Newcrest, BHP, WMC & BORAL ) but as
well to a whole Australian Political Corrupt System manned by A Greedy &
Irresponsible Mob of Convict-Strain RABBLE !!!
You, whoever you are, and your kind stand in defiance of Our Almighty Celtic
God's Eternal Laws of Justice !
Don't complain being punished most severely in accordance !
For your Australian Collective Crime and Collective Cover Up, the Collective
Punishment visited upon you through the DDD, is the appropriate sentence
indeed !
.... and will be in force until you all beg forgiveness !
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Exploration Geologist
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia
Founder of the True Geology
~~Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
"EEEK" <Whywouldipostav@lidemailaddressinanewsgroup.com> a écrit dans le
message de news:
Withe regards to Sir Turcaud's contribution to Australia :
No of mines discovered are 3
No of mines swindled by Australian Rabble 3
No of mineral shows of importance discovered 7
No of mineral shows discovered in all about 2 dozen.
No of shows handed out and robbed 3
Overall richness potentially generated for the Land of Bastards now : approx
250 Billions Dollars
Overall richness which would have been potentially generated for the Land of
Bastards, if that Rabble had shown the minimum fairness : 2.5 Trillions
Cost now of the Divine Drudging Drought ( DDD ) with collateral Damages as
far as NZ, ZA & the USA : approx 5 Trillions Dollars or 5000 millions in
clear for your little brain.
Cost effective in terms of lost lives, broken existences, irreversible
pollution of Land & Water Ways by salt invasion, all the death by suicide in
All the Nations struck by the DDD are looking at you all shameless
Australians of the LOB, as a most Determined, Vicious and Shameless
Criminals Pack ! ... and led indeed by a Shameless Gang of Political
Criminals completely unconcerned about the DDD they brought upon at least
half a dozen Nations !
All those Nations are learning in dismay now that the cause of their
terrible predicaments, IS NOT ONLY DUE, as they thought, to an handful of
hardened Mining Criminals ( Newmont, Newcrest, BHP, WMC & BORAL ) but as
well to a whole Australian Political Corrupt System manned by A Greedy &
Irresponsible Mob of Convict-Strain RABBLE !!!
You, whoever you are, and your kind stand in defiance of Our Almighty Celtic
God's Eternal Laws of Justice !
Don't complain being punished most severely in accordance !
For your Australian Collective Crime and Collective Cover Up, the Collective
Punishment visited upon you through the DDD, is the appropriate sentence
indeed !
.... and will be in force until you all beg forgiveness !
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Exploration Geologist
Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer, Nifty & Kintyre Mines
The Great Sandy Desert of Australia
Founder of the True Geology
~~Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
"EEEK" <Whywouldipostav@lidemailaddressinanewsgroup.com> a écrit dans le
message de news:
No-one will ever invite you back to Australia, our mental health laws
prevent certifiable loons like you from scabbing off our health care
Why don't you face up to the fact we out smarted you after all look at the
score board
No of mines discovered by St John Let Turd still owned by him = 0
No of mines discover by St John Le Turn owned by Aussie Companies = 1
And while talking about your favourite subject, if you are such a great
Frenchman how come you are letting your fellow Frenchmen DIE FROM CANCER
when you claim you can cure it?
To punish Australians?
If your 'New' Geology is so great how come you only ever found 1 mine when
so many others are found using the 'old' type?
So you can rant and rant you impotent little French loser because you'll
a French loser and the only benefit you give to mankind will be from your
autopsy when they cut you open and work out how you functioned without
and a brain for so long
As least the good news to mankind is when you die you'll leave no
descendants. The impotent Le Turd line will come to it's end
in article 42760b35$0$26063$7a628cd7@news.club-internet.fr, Sir Jean Paul
Turcaud at aquarius_master@caramail.com wrote on 2/5/05 9:12 PM:
You are obviously a Master at making White Flag , Gutless Anonymous
Coward !
The DDD is any case making wonder and will last up to my return to the
Don't worry about it, Yellow Skulker, you will all bite the dust !.