little billy
How do I find the gain for the High Gain Amplifier
in the manual of the lm317 page 16
Assuming we have a load RL from the output to ground
can we say the following:
IL = Vo/RL where Vo = output current, IL = load current
Denote the constant current of the regulatror as C
C = Ic + IL , where Ic = collector current
Ic = Ib * beta hence Ic = Vi/R1 * beta where Vi = input voltage
all of this gives us
(Vo/RL) + (Vi/R1)*beta = C
what is the gain ?
in the manual of the lm317 page 16
Assuming we have a load RL from the output to ground
can we say the following:
IL = Vo/RL where Vo = output current, IL = load current
Denote the constant current of the regulatror as C
C = Ic + IL , where Ic = collector current
Ic = Ib * beta hence Ic = Vi/R1 * beta where Vi = input voltage
all of this gives us
(Vo/RL) + (Vi/R1)*beta = C
what is the gain ?