
Are anybody knows where I can find a library with Xilinx FPGA Spartan
xc2s100-pq208 for P-CAD??
Or, if anybody have it, sent on my e-mail.

Ivan Koprivnic
I found.
Thanks anyway
"maxfoo" <> wrote in message
On Wed, 24 Mar 2004 23:20:18 +0100, "kopriva"

Are anybody knows where I can find a library with Xilinx FPGA Spartan
xc2s100-pq208 for P-CAD??
Or, if anybody have it, sent on my e-mail.

Ivan Koprivnic

not p-cad but I do have one for Cadsoft's Eagle 4.11 will that do?

Remove "HeadFromButt", before replying by email.
I am currently designing a pcb using the eagle light edition. I wish
to place a xilinx Spartan2 XC2S200 pq208 footprint on to my schematic.
I cannot find such a footprint in any of the libraries placed on the
download section of the eagle website or any related information on
the xilinx website. Could you tell me where i would locate one or go
about creating my own through the eagle light edition?
I would be very grateful if you could help.
Barry Greene wrote:
I am currently designing a pcb using the eagle light edition. I wish
to place a xilinx Spartan2 XC2S200 pq208 footprint on to my schematic.
I cannot find such a footprint in any of the libraries placed on the
download section of the eagle website or any related information on
the xilinx website. Could you tell me where i would locate one or go
about creating my own through the eagle light edition?
I would be very grateful if you could help.
Now if you had the Idex WinBoard software, you could create it and
either add it to one of the libraries, or make another library...
I am surprised; you seem to imply that the Eagle software works.
About 6 months or so ago, i tried it, and it was absolutely impossible
to make it work.
Of all of the demos and so-called freebies, the Idex package (of 4
tried) was the only one that not only worked as advertised, but it also
was full featured.
So they got my vote$.
Thanks for your help, I've found that eagle works ok once you're
careful although it has a nasty habit of not 'seeing' connections on
the schematic, especially ground connections. Unfortunately I think
I'll have to stick with eagle as it's the only pcb package we use
Does anybody know where I could get a xilinx fpga library for eagle
containing the spartan xc2s200 in a pq208 package
Now if you had the Idex WinBoard software, you could create it and
either add it to one of the libraries, or make another library...
I am surprised; you seem to imply that the Eagle software works.
About 6 months or so ago, i tried it, and it was absolutely impossible
to make it work.
Of all of the demos and so-called freebies, the Idex package (of 4
tried) was the only one that not only worked as advertised, but it also
was full featured.
So they got my vote$.
Thanks for your help, I've found that eagle works ok once you're
careful although it has a nasty habit of not 'seeing' connections on
the schematic, especially ground connections. Unfortunately I think
I'll have to stick with eagle as it's the only pcb package we use
Does anybody know where I could get a xilinx fpga library for eagle
containing the spartan xc2s200 in a pq208 package
Now if you had the Idex WinBoard software, you could create it and
either add it to one of the libraries, or make another library...
I am surprised; you seem to imply that the Eagle software works.
About 6 months or so ago, i tried it, and it was absolutely impossible
to make it work.
Of all of the demos and so-called freebies, the Idex package (of 4
tried) was the only one that not only worked as advertised, but it also
was full featured.
So they got my vote$.

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