Can anyone explain to me, or post a link on, what an AM/FM detector is and
specifically what is its purpose? My searches have revealed some schematics
of detectors but little towards their actual purpose.
I have a project at school I have chosen to do which is building a simple AM
radio. The problem is our communications book is extremely unhelpful. I
believe its only mention of detectors is in a "circuit diagram" which is
actually nothing more than a square with the words "FM detector" or
something similar written inside of it.
Other students have bought radio kits for their projects and the instructor
accepts those. I on other hand want to design my own and learn the
principles and theory behind reciever design.
Thanks in advance.
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specifically what is its purpose? My searches have revealed some schematics
of detectors but little towards their actual purpose.
I have a project at school I have chosen to do which is building a simple AM
radio. The problem is our communications book is extremely unhelpful. I
believe its only mention of detectors is in a "circuit diagram" which is
actually nothing more than a square with the words "FM detector" or
something similar written inside of it.
Other students have bought radio kits for their projects and the instructor
accepts those. I on other hand want to design my own and learn the
principles and theory behind reciever design.
Thanks in advance.
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Version: 6.0.522 / Virus Database: 320 - Release Date: 9/29/03